A girl

973 96 25

August 2021

Seulgi and Jisoo we're happily chatting at the restaurant they closed

It was the first time they had seen each other and of course, talked to each other in two years

It's safe to say they have a lot to talk about

"I know right?! I mean why not chocolate or strawberries? Why does it have to be mint and chocolate!" Seulgi exclaimed as Jisoo laughed

"Gosh, it's amazing to finally be talking to you in person, Seulgi," Jisoo says as she took a sip of her orange juice

Ring ring

The phone on the table started ringing

'J' it read

Jisoo looked at Seulgi confused, her friends' face looked nervous which made Jisoo look unsettled

Seulgi gulped as she took the phone, "Umm, I gotta take this, sorry..."

"Mhm, sure" Jisoo smiled

Seulgi smiled back, she stood up as she bit her lip and made her way to the restroom

"Gosh, why did you call me? Didn't I tell you I was with Jisoo?" Seulgi whispered not knowing Jisoo heard which made her eyes widen

"What..." Jisoo muttered

"Good morning ma'am do you need anything else?" One of the waiters said

"Oh, umm, no I don't need anything else, thank you," Jisoo says

The waiter nodded and walked away

Her mind wandered off to who J is and on why does her meeting up with Seulgi is a part of their conversation

"What the heck..." Jisoo mutters as she looked over to the restroom, there were still no signs that Seulgi was done with the call

"Who the hell is J?!"

Ding ding

She got startled by the sudden ring of her phone

Taking out her phone she looked at the unknown number that just texted her

Dude where are you?

"Who the heck are you?" She questions

She rolled her eyes as she placed her phone back in her pocket

But yet, another notification was heard

Are you serious? Don't
leave me on seen

She groans as she places her phone on the table

I swear, I'm going to
spam you until you reply



respond, perhaps?


respond or ill call you

Annoyed by the constant ringing she groans as she picked up her phone

respond or ill call you

you: who the
heck are you?!

She grumbles as she angrily placed her phone on the table

"Hey, Ji, I'm back!" Seulgi says as she sat down on her seat and took a sip of the ice tea

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