The night before it all went downhill

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January 2019 - flashback on what happened (no italics since it's an insight on what happened)

"Thank you, Jinyoung, you have no idea how much I needed this, I just had so many problems lately and I'm glad that you are here" Jisoo smiled as she looked at Jinyoung

Both were on a playground beside Bae Bar, sitting on a bench at around three a.m, the cold wind hitting her pale face while the loud music coming inside the bar was heard

"Of course, Jisoo, even though we're famous now, we're still friends and I think that keeping in touch is very important. I mean reminiscing memories from high school is a good stress relief don't you think?" Jinyoung asks as he looks at her

Jisoo laughed as she ran a hand through her hair, "Of course! I always wanted to be an actress while you always wanted to become a movie director"

"Yeah, we've come so far don't you think?"

Jisoo bit her lip and nodded, followed by a smile, "Yeah, we finally achieved our dreams"

She looks at Jinyoung to find him gazing at her intently. He starts to lean in making her confused as she backed away a little.

"J-Jinyoung, what are you doing?" She mumbles

He didn't stop, instead, he leaning in more until their faces are only inches apart

"I-I'm sorry, Jinyoung but you know I don't like you, I made it clear since high school," She stood up exclaiming word for word, "And I'm with somebody, please respect that"

Her breath hitching from the cold and from being uneasy, he looks at her vague.

"Why don't you like me, Jisoo? I did everything just for you to like me back!" He exclaims as he stood up from the bench

Walking closer to Jisoo while the brunette backs away slowly

"You've been rejecting me since high school, saying you only see me as a friend and you would never answer me when I ask you what will I do so that you will see me as more than that!" He grabs her arm, holding it tightly making the girl nudge

"Jinyoung, you're holding my arm too tight, let me go!" She yells as she tried to get out of his grasp, using her other free hand to pull her hand out

"No! You t-tell me right now, this instant! On what I should do to make you like me back"

He yells back, whacking her other free hand and grabbing it making it harder for her to get out of his hold

"Jinyoung, stop! With the way you're acting right now, I don't think there will be any chance! Just please, please let me go!" She pleads, worries in her eyes were visible while tears were also starting to form

"I've been trying for years, Jisoo! Years! I thought that maybe when I become a famous movie director you'll love me back, but you still don't! Taehyung? That lousy musician in that awful band, what do you even see in him, Jisoo?"

Jinyoung spoke his voice full of anger and despair as he grips tightly on both of her hands, desperate for an answer

It was only the two of them, darkness surrounding them with only the lamp post providing late

"He's not desperate, unlike you, he doesn't force me to give him answers and when I do give answers he respects them! I told you this many times already, Jinyoung!" She shot back

She was scared, terrified of what could happen but she knew she couldn't show him what she felt. She needs to show that she was strong.

"I'm giving you one last chance, Jisoo, one. last. chance, to leave him and be with me"

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