What a comeback!

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August 2021

"Kim Jisoo?"

The whole room fell silent for a second but burst into chatter again as the stage lights turned off making Jisoo unseen

The media immediately stood up, their cameras hand in hand, reporters huddled as they try to find the girl

Taehyung stood up as he tried to figure out where Jisoo is

"Taehyung, where are you going?" Mina asks as he grabs ahold of his arm as he stood up

"I-I have to go find her," He says as he scanned the auditorium full of people

His eyes spotted the three girls he had been eyeing since earlier
The three girls stood up and instantly walk away

He squinted his eyes as he follows the three girls with his gazes

"I have to do something Mina, I'll come back for you in a while" He explains

Mina immediately let go of his hand and nodded

He sprinted through a crowd of people to try and find Jennie, Rosé and Lisa who vanished in the sea of people

He struggled to get through but sighed a sigh of relief as he saw the three girls nearing the exit

"Jennie!" He shouted as he ran to the three girls

Unfortunately, she didn't hear

"What are you doing here, Taehyung?" A voice from behind called him

He turned around and saw Jinyoung who was fixing the cuffs of his suit

"I need to find someone" He spoke as he looked at the exit


The three girls were nowhere in sight, he ran a hand through his hair as he scanned the area

"Are you perhaps looking for Jisoo's pals?" Jinyoung implied

Jisoo's name gave him unexplainable goosebumps

"It doesn't matter, Jinyoung, it's none of your business," He let out as he started walking towards the exit

"Oh it is my business, I guess out of all the people and media reporters here, only the two of us have a brain" Jinyoung scoffed as he followed Taehyung

"What do you mean?" He asked annoyed as he stopped in his tracks

Jinyoung smirked, "Well if you want to find Kim Jisoo you need to know where she is and who's better to ask than her friends? I guess we share some brain cells Tae..."

He rolled his eyes as he started walking, "Hmm I wonder what you need from her? Why do you look so desperate in finding her?" He heard Jinyoung say

"Jinyoung can you please shut up and stop following me?! I'm trying to do something here!" He angrily shouted making Jinyoung flinch

"Woah, Woah, Woah, calm down tiger, we have the same goal, don't we? So why not stick together? You know, you and I?"

Taehyung groaned as he ran a hand through his hair, this is not helping at all!

"No, you go on your own, now leave me alone" He exclaimed as he sprinted

"Fine, suit yourself" He heard him say as he walks up to one of the guards

He patted the shoulder of one of the guards, "Hi, have you seen Jennie Kim, Lalisa Manoban or Park Rose anywhere?"

"Ah yes, Jennie Kim went outside while the two went back inside the auditorium"

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