good for them

977 93 20

June 2021

«Singer Kim Taehyung and Actress Myoui Mina were both spotted leaving a café in Daegu earlier this day.

Myoui Mina was seen leaving the café a minute after Taehyung vacated the area.

Pictures of them leaving are all over the internet and not only K-nets but also International fans of the two has a word or two about the alleged dating.

As far as most know Kim Taehyung has not engaged in a relationship ever since the infamous scandal/issue two years ago with Actress/Singer Kim Jisoo

Although some left negative comments there were also encouraging and loving ones that were shared as many are excited about this possible new couple

What do you think?

Do you ship TaeMina? Or do you ship them with another actor/singer?

For more information click + »


user01: so apparently Tae and Mina are dating?

user02: ngl they look good together. Visual couple indeed

user03: it's not even confirmed yet, can't we just wait for them to confirm it before assuming they're a couple?

user04: I still ship Taehyung with uh... An actress...

user05: if TaeMina is real we can't do anything but support them and let them be happy

user06: UwU cuties! <3



Explain why I am here again?" He crossed his arms as he leaned back into his seat

"I'm sure you have heard the news Taehyung, don't play dumb" Yoongi abruptly said

"Ok and what?" He replied

Namjoon rubbed his forehead, "I need you to tell us the truth, are the rumours true?" He looked at him

"They are rumours Namjoon! Rumours!" He shouted back in response

"Rumours can be real or fake now I need you to tell me- No, us, the truth"

"I don't get this" He looked at the two of them with a bored look on his face

"We just need the truth. That's all we want, so can you give us what we want?" Yoongi spoke up

"It's not real, I went to that café after I visited my family. I don't even know that she was there!" He defended

"Look, if you are dating her, just know that we don't care about your dating life we are just here to help you not ruin your reputation-"

Namjoon was cut off with him groaning, "Ugh! I am not dating her! We haven't even met once! Once! How do you expect me to date her when I don't even know her?!"

Yoongi and Namjoon shared a look, "Alright, we believe you" Yoongi said

"Uhuh, sure" Taehyung scoffed

"Ta-" The sound of ringing was heard from Namjoon's pocket

"Hold on, I got to take this," He says as he took out his phone and walked away

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