prince and m'lady

959 90 45

August 2021

"So what are we here for again?" Lisa says as she continued doodling on one of Jisoo's un-used newspaper

"I need to talk to you guys about something..." Jisoo said nervously as she sat beside Rosé

"We know, but about what?" Jennie chuckled

"Seulgi..." She began, "-I don't know, she's kind of suspicious lately..." Jisoo looked down

Rosé ran a hand through Jisoo's red hair as she hummed, "How so?"

The red-haired girl shrugged, "Well when we first met in public it was all good, that was until someone called her."

"This is big news because?" Lisa looked up as she stared at Jisoo, the older rolled her eyes

"The caller I.D was named J, ok? At first, I didn't pay any thought into it, that was until she said to J-whoever he is, to stop calling because she was with me..."

"J?" Rosé questioned

Jisoo nodded, "That's not the only time J called, when we met again, J called her and when she got back to me she looked off..."

"Off? How?" Jennie queried

"Well, she looked sad?" Jisoo stopped as she thought of a word to illustrate her description, "Guilty, possibly? Her eyes were droopy and you know that look when you did something bad and you start feeling guilty?"

"Oh I know that look very well" Lisa laughs

The three girls look at her as if signalling that it wasn't a good time

"Not the right time, Lis" Rosé mumbled as she glared at Lisa

Lisa raised her hands, "Sorry"

"Continue..." Jennie thwarted her gaze from Lisa to Jisoo

"I tried questioning her about who J was last time but she changes the conversation"

"Weird" Lisa announced

Jisoo nodded, "I guess so..."

"Well, why are you so, you know? Mortified about it?" Lisa added

"After the events two years ago, I don't think I can trust anyone else other than you three!" Jisoo yelled as she rolled her eyes

Jennie lightly smiled as she looked down

"Hey, Jen, I know that you don't like talking about the events that occurred but I'm fine now, alright?" Jisoo reassured

Jennie looked up, "I-I, it's just that-that's not it..." She mumbles

"Hmm?" Lisa asked as she leaned closer to Jennie

Jennie smiled a little, "It's nothing, I said that Jisoo is right, she is fine now, she is so much stronger than before!"

Lisa grinned, "Of course she is!" She cleared her throat and looked at Jisoo again, "Continue, please..."

"Look, guys, I'm suspicious of Seulgi, what if J is, you know who..."

Rosé gasped, "-No..."

"We just have to be wary about this situation, we don't know anything about who J is or if our assumption is correct and I don't want to let Seulgi think that I don't trust her," She began

"Even before the disastrous 2019, I've always trust Seulgi and I don't want her to think that the trust I gave her changed over the last two years..."

"So please, don't utter a word about this, alright girls?" Jisoo finished

The three girls nodded, "Alright..." Jisoo mumbled

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