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I stutter my eyes open because of the buzzing sound of my alarm clock. Still feeling like I should sleep more , I threw a pillow over my head to stop me from hearing the noise and that was when my phone rang. In annoyance I picked the call without checking the caller's name.

"Hello," I said in a low voice. I really needed more sleep.

"Lilly Mmasinachi Johnson , are you still in bed?"

Shit! That was when my eyes bulged out of thier socket in realisation.

"No," I lied immediately and jumped up from the bed ," I am preparing to go for lectures."

I walked into the bathroom , "Good morning bro," I then applied toothpaste on my brush.

"So why are you calling because I know my brother can't call for no reason."

Why was he calling me now?He  never cared.

I then began to brush my teeth.

"Ah ah,why are you making it look like I'm a bad brother ?"  Was he trying to form hurt? "Anyways I called to know if you want to church yesterday ," he added.

Ehen,you'd have told me since that that's why you called.

Damn- I forgot yesterday was Sunday.

"No," I reply truthfully.

"Why?" I could tell he was disappointed.

My family had thier rules and standards, one was not missing church.

"Well I forgot, plus I went to the beach with Charlie ," I hope this saves my ass.

"Do you know how angry and disappointed dad will be ?" he asked with a groan. I could tell that he was rubbing his temples.

Of course, I do. "Yep, just help me arrange something for him," I say in a soft alluring voice biting my lip.

"Are you asking me to lie," he almost shouts.

"No,chill. Just look for a way to tell him. I'm sure he'll listen to you , After All you're his son. "

I was trying to brainwash him.I hope this works , I mutter silently.

After a long pause , he sighs. "Fine ,go to class ," go orders and ends the call.

I just exhale deeply , I hope my dad doesn't get really mad.

Later in the evening I lay on my bed , deep in  thoughts. Lots of shit were going through my head right now.

I thought about my life and my career that was just before me. I wanted to be a teacher by all means, to inspire lives. I could have done other courses but I had to rewrite WAEC twice just to make my papers. Imagine writing the same series of exams three times in a lifetime.

My dad wanted me , in fact all his children to study something business related so we could all run the company with Jason, but all I wanted was to pursue my dream.

My dad owns the largesst and biggest multi production company in Africa. We manufacture almost everything : from automobiles , to plastics , to beverages, to building materials, drinks, flour etc. Oh ,we even had refineries, breweries, and several factories. Recently dad wss thinking of going into textile.

But the shocking part of it was that we didn't live extravagant lives. He's thought all his children management,  I could spend my money wisely and not worry about lack because I saved.
If  I told someone who I was they would never believe it because my lifestyle was the total contrast of my status.

I was still thinking when my phone rang. I was getting lots of calls these days. This one was from Charlie.

"Hey, " I say smiling as I pick the call.

"How are you doing ?"

"I'm good," I reply calmly.

"So do you wanna talk about it now?"


We were still on about the fight at the beach.  I had to tell him my own part of the story even though Lemuel must have told him because they were pals.

"Well I'm all ears," he answered.

"He was ordering me around so I got angry plus I was trying to protect your feelings, " I said .

"Its okay Lilly. I know you care about me and I care about you too , which is why I've decided that I should move on," he tells me.

I was starting to tear up, "Why?" I sniffle.

This type of conversation shouldn't have held through a phone call.

"Because you two like each other. " he sighed, "look Lilly I  understand the fact that you'll never see me as a man , so I have to let go.  I'm sure fate has something installed for me. "

"I'm so sorry Charlie," I say sobbing.

"Shh, it's okay to not love me back. It's okay , just follow your heart ."

"I'm sorry Charlie , I just don't know what to do."

"Shh, it's not your fault. I just want you to be happy."

"Do you think my happiness lies in Lemuel?"

I was confused. " You know the answer Lilly , your heart tells you all the time."

He was right, " I know I want this to work. But everything seems to fast," I pause. "Plus I dint know if I can trust him."

"That's why you can give it a try. You get to know people when you go close to them ."

That's true. "What do I do?"

"You know what to do Lilly," he replies coldly.

There is a long period of silence and Charlie was the one to break it.

"Plus I told him about my feelings for you." He confessed.

That was the right thing to do. "So what did he say?"

"Nothing specific, he was just sorry for me , angry at himself for hurting you and too shocked about my confession, " he elaborated.

"Wow, " I mouthed. "I believe all that has happened is for the best."

That statement was far from what my heart said.

"If that's what you think. You know I'll always respect your decision, as long as you're not hurting. "

I hoped so, "I just wanted to wait till I finished school. I can't face another heartbreak. " I tell him.

"Yeah, I believe you'll make the right decision."

"Thanks, for everything." He was really my best friend.

"You're welcome. We all need each other. Bye love," he chuckled and hung up.

My life went back to square one,  the way it was before Lemuel. It was just me Tessa and Nancy. My mom would call sometimes to know how I was doing but my dad never did. I kept reminding myself that he was too busy and preoccupied with work.

I had just three months to my convocation and I was really busy with pre paring my project but still, no day passed without me thinking of Lemuel.

My life was the real definition of boring because I was mostly at home as a final year student. Tessa and I were a great company sometimes,
during the day but I was left alone when they went out partying in the evenings.

I was a student of the department of education. Nancy studied accounting and Tessa was a certified cardiologist.
We were all the same age but our courses different time span.

I always knew that what happened to me rewriting WAEC was for a reason, if not I wouldn't have net them. It's not like I wasn't smart or anything, fate had it that I was going to rewrite.

I had everything, a faithful best friend, two crazy girlfriends, my busy but loving family but deep down I knrw something was missing.

My heart aches and my happiness was short lived. I longed for something , a rare feeling that I  couldnt explain.

My subconscious kept telling me that I knew the solution to my problem, but I was in denial.

Lemuel couldn't be the one happiness lies in,or was he?

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