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My short nap was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I yawned tiredly and lazily reached for my phone on the nightstand.

I was starting to sleep a lot these days.

"Hello." I sit up and hit the screen of my phone to pick up the call.

"Hello." The caller says. The voice sounds like Chisom's.

"Hello. Chisom is that you?" I raise my voice in anticipation, a smile lingering at my lips.

"Of course Lilly." He angelic voice chartered, filling in the air and I had yo smile. Chisom had this charm of making you smile at hearing her voice.

"Wow. How are you?" I asked trying to do sound like her, you know she had an accent.

"I'm good and I know my brother is treating you well." She assumed with a chuckle.

"Yeah, he's treating me well." I stand to untie my laced robe.

"I can see that. Can you mert me at Mac stop shop Bode-Thomas if you're not busy."

"Of course, I know it's for Lemuel's birthday. I didn't know you were in town though." I added brushing the strands pf my hair which lay scattered over my face.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting!" Her tiny voice rang through the phone and I chuckled.

"Yeah bye."

I hung up. Then I rush to my closet to find myself some nice clothes to wear. I chose a burgundy off the shoulder dress, then I chose a flashy champagne gold jacket. I chose my black ankle boots with  witj a black bag and black scarf. Normally I don't wear designer's, because they are not my thing. But then, my perfume is designer's.

I inhaled the velvet, strawberry and vanilla scent of my perfume as it filled the air. I smiled on satisfaction when I took a glance at the mirror.

My eyes roamed the entire place searching for Chisom once I alighted the taxify. Then my eyes caught a lady from far with chocolate skin, dressed like an American waving at me. Immediately, I knew it was Chisomaga and smiled as I walked towards her.

She ran to me and threw me into her arms even before I could say anything. I was overwhelmed. The love that everyone in Lemuel's family showered me with was just too much.

"Chisom you're choking me." I croaked out, my eyes jumping.

She released me immediately smiling shyly. "I'm sorry, it had just been do long." She apologized and her lips twisted into a smile.

"It hasn't even been so long. Just three months max." I tilted my head to the side and scrutinised Chisom.

She was glowing, the joy and happiness overflowing through her. You could see it in her face, her voice, her smile, it was all over her.

"Are you back with your fiancee?" I blurted out.

"What??" She asked, taken aback as she dilated her pupils.

"I mean you know, you look so happy." I stutter and bit my lip in embarrassment. Hell I don't even know where that came from.

"Oh, yes of course." She squealed her spreading into a contagious smile.

I smiled. "Does Lemuel know?"

Her eyes jumped out of their sockeye in excitement. "Yes he does. He gave us his blessings." She raised up her left hand for me to see.

I saw the glowing diamond ring that sat in her middle finger. It was perfect. Constantly, it would remind her of her commitment, how love, how she got here.

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