74 - Happy New Year!

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I had a wonderful Christmas. We didn't travel eventually because it was best to visit Bora Bora by Summer and not during Christmas. I and Lemuel stayed  home, we spent Christmas together at his penthouse. It made me remember when he asked me out . We ate, drank, danced and watched the night sky. For some seconds, we kind of deliberated on our baby's name. We didn't know the sex yet, but we were preparing for both sexes.

Today happened to be the last day of the year and I was spending it with friends. We were hitting the bar downtown and once the clock struck twelve 'o clock, we would head home to church or what was the plan again.

"I told you, you'ld look beautiful in anything." Lemuel kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"I know right, but so many things don't fit."

Yeah, my whole old clothes didn't fit. I had gotten used to the fact that I was big. Big face, big tommy, big body. Sometimes, I'd just be sulking. Pregnancy does come with frustrations.

Lemuel sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's a normal process? We are almost done baby, just relax." He massaged my shoulders soothingly.


Then I stood to my feet, I was clad in a black off shoulder dress. It fitted my tommy and was a little shot, just above my knee. Then I marched it with a blue-silver flower patterned, chiffon kimono.

I wore a black sandal and Lemuel got my purse. We drove to the club with slow music in the car. We hardly said anything.

"Are mummy's supposed to be in the club?" The brown skin bitch who was sitting next to my best friend screamed.

I hissed sarcastically. Says the person who is about to become someone's wife. "How are you any better than me?"

The guy who was all cozy with her thst happened to be my best friend, jumped to his feet and jumped on me.

"My love, mia tesoro. I missed you so much  " Charlie hugged me tightly.

I managed a chuckle through the choking hug.

"Charlie calm down for Jesus. I need air, my baby does too." I pleaded.

Then he released me from the tight grip.

"Sorry." I saw that look of 'feeling bad' written all over his face.

"Really?" I face palmed myself for a little while. "We need to talk. I don't even get what's going on between us anymore." I was about to get pissed.

But then, a smile crept into my face when that familiar scent filled the air behind me. I turned and it was him.

"Tony." I called, smiling.

"My love," he hugged me. "How are we doing?"

I sighed. "Great, I can't wait for my baby to be out."

He chuckled lowly. "Very soon." He smiled assuredly.

Then he led me to a sofa where I sat in the middle of him and Lemuel.

My best friend wasn't even looking at my side, he was too busy having a blast with Nancy.

We really needed to talk, I don't understand our friendship anymore. We both had a rift after he heard about my pregnancy. He and Lemuel too.

"Where the hell is Oladeji?" Lemuel seemed irritated.

"Wassup guys?" A baritone voice hit the room.

I looked towards the sound of the voice and I saw that it was Deji. He came with a plus one too, it was a lady.

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