86 - Labour

59 9 5

Third Person POV

Immediately Lilly and Lemuel got to the hospital, Lemuel called the attention of the nurses. Lilly was wheeled in from the car to the V.I.P room where her delivery would take place.

Without wasting time, Dr. James came into the room to see them, accompanied with two nurses, a midwife, anaesthetists, paediatrician and a gynaecologist. He introduced the team to Lilly and Lemuel.

He sensitised Lilly and Lemuel who were already nervous on what they should expect. Lilly looked priceless, she was sweating but not profusely, the fear in her eyes couldn't be ignored. Lemuel was just trying to be strong for Lilly.

The midwife helped Lilly change into her hospital gown after she had showered, it was part of the process. Then the anaesthetist, Dr. Mary administered epidurals to Lilly in her sitting position. A drip was also attached to her arm in order to maintain her blood pressure.

When Lilly started having contractions again, this time more regular, Dr James asked her to take a walk for about ten to fifteen minutes around the ward. She took the walk, screaming each time the contraction came. She was accompanied by her team and Lemuel.

Right in the waiting room, she saw Charlie, Nancy and Tessa as she passed by. Their smile brought relief to her.

"Take it easy Lilly, you'll get through this." Nancy inhaled sharply.

Tessa chuckled, standing to her feet. "I should have been on this team."

That made Lilly give a laugh. "Yeah right... Fuck!" She screamed in pain, holding her knees, her head bent.

She turned to Dr. James when the pains subsided giving him a scary glare. He didn't flinch a bit. "I thought the epidural was supposed to numb the pain?"

The midwife smiled, a heartwarming one. "Even if, we don't have control over some things." She shrugged. "It's just nature."The male who wheeled the drip stand added. Lilly recalled him to be Nonso.

As they were about to move, to continue the walk, Charlie stepped in the way. Then he kissed Lilly's forehead for quite some time. Nancy had to tap him stylishly when it was becoming uncomfortable because they had audience and not just that, Lilly herself was overwhelmed.

He slowly pulled. Then he reached for her right hand lifted it to his lips and gave it a quick kiss before placing her hand on her tummy.

"You can do this Mma." He called her pet name and all Lilly could just do was to nod, because the contractions came through again but not enough to make her shout. She just let out a groan.

She and her delivery team continued to move around, Lilly not minding that she screamed every time she had to. For all she cared, she was having her Princess whom she had awaited for so long. The world could roll for all she cared.

People always stole sneaky, constant glances as they passed by. The nurses were in several clusters doing nothing gossiping, the families of other patients were the ones stealing glances at the woman who was about to go into labour, that was just screaming around.

Lilly had no control, the contractions had control over her.

After she and her delivery team had toured the seventh floor where they were for about fifteen times, Dr James decided that she needed to go back to the room when he checked his wristwatch.

As they passed by, Lilly eye shifted to corner of the large room where her friends were. She noticed that the number of people had increased and it was Lemuel's family. They were all in the waiting room, seated in different positions which showed that their minds were not settled. They were too engrossed in their thoughts to notice them, but Lilly called their attention.

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