43 - We messed up

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I'm really tired and I need to sleep without disturbance, so I looked myself up in my room and lay on the bed.

Do you know how it feels to be betrayed?

I felt lonely, lost, forsaken. I am dejected.

I hear a knock on my door and I know it's the girls. Why won't they just leave me alone.

Their knocking persists and cover my ears with my pillows, I sit up in frustration when they increase pressure.

"Go away!" I yell.

"I'm going to break this door down ooo." Tessa threatens and I roll my eyes.

"Like you can." I withheld and chuckle and unlock the door.

I feel like I should hear them out, even though I don't want to see their faces.

They walk in and I rush to bed and sit, tucking my legs in.

They went on their knees immediately.

Who punish una???

"We're so sorry. We messed up." They said in unison.

"Guys get up." I urged and pulled Tessa by her arm but she didn't seem to bulge.

"I can't. Until you forgive me." Nancy answered and played with her fingers nails.

"Yes until you forgive us." Tessa added  moving up her left shoulder.

I'm so not giving in to this.

"Ehen." I eye them warily. "Okay, remain there now." I snap and turn to lie on my tommy.

"Oya, oya, Lilly well stand up." Tessa dragged my leg and dragged me down in the process.

"Wetin de worry you?" I snapped in annoyance at Tessa. "I'm not playing. I'm really angry at you guys."

Tessa eyed me mockingly and stood to her feet, Nancy followed after her.

"You sef, you too de vex. Ah ah baby oku. Calm down, chill." She teased me and rubbed her chest.

I released that laughter that had been piling up since.

"No but seriously I'm angry."

"Was angry." Tessa corrected.

"Mad woman." I nudged her head playfully and she laughed. "I'm not forgiven you yet." I pouted my lips and arranged my hair.

"Lilly we're sorry." Nancy apologised and the look plastered on her face made me feel bad.

"I forgive you guys." I finally gave in and Tessa jumped at me for joy, pulling me into a choking hug.

"Thank you baby." She kissed my cheek repeatedly and I coughed.

"Really? Nancy come here joor." I urged opening my arms and she smiled, running into my arms.

I hugged both of them, Nancy to my right and Tessa to my left.

"But seriously guys, don't do that again." I warned when we pulled away.

"You're free to date Charlie but please don't keep secrets, we've past that stage." I finished and pulled them into another hug.


Charlie was sitted on the rug I'm mg parlour, with his legs crossed and arms folded. For someone who looked good this morning, he's a total mess.
His black bear hair which neat and combed was now scattered from too much scratching I guess.

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