87 - Congratulations

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After we took some first minutes photograph as family and with the team. I rejoiced, knowing my pains were over - or was it? Then a nurse accompanied with the midwife went into the bathroom to wash my baby.

"When am I getting discharged?" I demanded, trying my best not to sound impatient.

Doctor James gave out a boisterous laughter, just then the pediatrician and gynaecologist came into the room and I was certain they had shared the news to those in the waiting room.

"Didn't you read the manual?"

My head shot up and I raised my brow.  "Manual?" I was confused.

Then he decided to help me out. "We still have to deliver the placenta."

Oh fuck! How could I forget?

I was already rejoicing, thinking I was done with this whole process, because the baby was here.

"Kuku kill me." I groaned and started fussing.

"Babe relax." Lemuel continued to assure me. He's such a darling.

"The team is ready. Trust me the contractions won't be as bad as before and it's not so difficult."

Come to think of it, I was still having slight contractions. I mean, they stopped before and I thought I was done but they are back now.

This is crazy! I had just delivered a baby and now a placenta.

Still in a state of confusion, I felt a sudden gush of blood down my legs. Suddenly, I felt the urge to bear down and push. The contractions were slight, however they were still contractions.

After some time, I was not even counting the placenta was delivered together with the umbilical cord.

I sighed, proud of myself. I was still panting heavily, sweating profusely and recovering from all this when saw the nurse hand a syringe to Dr. James.

I was confused. "What's that for?" I asked no one in particular.

That couldn't be for me, I told myself. Reality only dawned on me when he approached me, drew out my left hand and started to look for what I assumed to be a vein.

"Lemuel." I croaked out, fear engulfing me. I never liked getting injected, my parents knew.  "You can't let him... Do this to me." I stuttered, my body vibrating.

My doctor stopped, he dropped my hand immediately.  "This is to stop the bleeding."

Then I realised I was still bleeding. Isn't there another way?

That was when Lemuel wrapped his arms around me, seated on the chair that was beside the bed.

"I'm sorry doctor. My girlfriend has a phobia for syringes." Thanks for telling him, I sighed thinking I was safe.

Not until I felt something being run into the veins of my left wrist.

What the fuck? So that's why Lemuel was holding me.

I couldn't protest, or hit him so I just stayed still until he was done administering the oxytocin.

After my baby was washed by the nurses, they brought her to me fully dressed.

She looked more beautiful.

I opened my arms wide to receive her. She still felt so tiny and delicate in my arms. My palms were sweating from being nervous, my heart rate spiked a bit.

Observing her facial features which were still subtle looking, a smile crept into my face. Instantly, I knew she got my lips. My eyes trailed from her face to her hair which was quite full and curly for someone of her age.

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