Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV

The early morning rays brushed on my face through the half closed curtains making me scrunch my eyes. Not wanting to wake up I hugged my bolster tighter. The cottony pillow felt softer than usual but suddenly I felt like it moved a little as if it's wriggling to get out of my grasp.

I frowned and opened my eyes a little, not expecting to see something that I never thought would happen.The girl in my arms moved to get to a comfortable position. But it seemed like she was about to get up. My breath stopped and I jerked my arms away from her getting up from the bed.

Me: What the fuck Yana! What are you doing in my bed?!

She flinched and sat up immediately hearing me yell. She looked around with her half closed eyes and yawned.

Me: I said what are you doing in my room? In fact you're in my bed!

Yana: You forced me to stay.

She stated casually getting up from the bed. I startled and frowned on her is this possible? I tried to remember about last night but everything was foggy and my head hurted like hell.

Me: What are you talking about?

She stood up straight and looked at me with her still sleepy eyes.

Me: Oh now you not gonna answer?

Yana: You yourself wanted me to stay with you. You forced me.

Me: Hah! That's impossible! I'd rather sleep with a dog than sleeping with you slut.

I crossed my arms saying this without thinking once about saying it. She looked at me with her wide eyes and gasped loudly. I remained silent looking at her.

Yana:What...what d-did you say...?

Me: I said you're a fucking prostitute who only moved in here just to sleep with me. Can't resist my handsome face, whore? Hmm...?

This time I said all these looking directly to her eyes which were threatening to not to shed tears. I did want her to get out from this house and any idea would be great to accomplish that. Thinking this idea was great to do that I was about to smile for myself, not ready to get a sudden outburst from her.

Yana: How dare you call me those?! You jerk I'd rather die than sleeping with you. You were drunk and hurt last night! Jimin couldn't go pick you up so I had to do that instead of him! Look at your hand and face! They're bruised up!

I looked at my hands shocked to see bandages wrapped around them. I looked at her now tears flooded eyes.

Me: I-

Yana: Shut up! You know what?! It was all my fault. I shouldn't have agreed to Jimin. I shouldn't have moved in here. I shouldn't have make that promise to Jimin. I SHOULDN'T HAVE LOVED YOU!

My eyes went wide as my head shot up looking at her with shocked expression. She bursted crying and left my room leaving me dumbfounded. Chills ran down my spine echoing her words again and again in my ears.

S-she loved me....?

Yana's POV

I slammed my door shut sliding off of it and sitting on the floor. Tears gushed out of my eyes pouring like flood.

He really thought of me like that...? Am I that low classed to him...?

I harshly wiped off my tears and made my vision clearer.

I won't stay in this place. Not a single second.

I took out my suitcase and started filling it with clothes I had in the wardrobe. I wanted to call Olivia to tell her about this but my voice would badly crack right now. So I hurriedly packed everything and headed out.

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