Chapter 34

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Author POV

Jimin went out leaving Taehyung and Yana alone in home and took the car. He drove back to the Uni to meet a certain person. He stood outside a cabin office hesitant to knock. However he gathered courage and knocked loudly getting a "come in" from inside. He peaked his head in.

Jimin: Jin hyung?

Kim Seokjin raised his head from the book and looked at Jimin raising his brows and adjusted his glasses.

Jin: What's the matter Jimin?

Jimin completely went closing and locking the door. Jin gestured him to sit on the chair across him as Jimin did.

Jimin: Namjoon hyung's starting again. We did promise you to keep a clean record but he's just starting his old works again.

Jin carefully heard him and leaned back resting his back on the soft leather seat and locked his fingers together.

Jin: But why is he doing this?

Jimin: He wants my best friend's girlfriend.

Jin: Yana?

Jimin: How do you know...?

Jin smiled looking at his hands and then back at Jimin who was still comprehending that how Jin knew.

Jin: What do you think of this Handsome face? Of course I noticed these things.

Jimin rolled back his eyes by jin's cockiness.

Jin: Manners gentleman! Now tell me what made you come to me. I thought only the desperation can bring you to me.

Jimin: Can't you just somehow arrest Namjoon and escort him to mental asylum?

Jin: That's not possible. We don't have anything against him. Cause all of the year, he did no crime. If I found even a small evidence against him, I'd arrest him.

Jimin: But he's out and that's not safe for Yana. Hyung he first got Nicky and Taehyung was at the verge of breaking down after that. If he loses Yana too, I don't know how I'll manage to handle him.

Jin: I know Jimin. Are you guys staying together?

Jimin: We thought it wouldn't be safe for us to stay in the mansion so Taehyung took her to the hideout.

Jin: Does Namjoon know about the location?

Jimin: No he doesn't. It was built to keep a secret from Namjoon hyung.

Jin: I think... I'd like to meet Yana and Taehyung and talk with them. What do you say?

Jimin: As you wish hyung. We should go then.

Jimin stood up and Jin nodded standing up and putting on his coat adjusting his desk tidying up the books and papers.

Jimin: We can take my car, your car will stay in the institution garage.

Jin: I don't even wanna use that piece of junk. Never runs when I need it to.

Jimin chuckled getting in on the driving seat and Jin beside him.

Jimin: I'll first go in and check.

Jin: Okay.

Jimin and Jin stood outside the safety locked door and pressed his fingerprint as the door opened only for him to see the lovebirds banging against the wall. Jimin groaned lowly and dramatically facepalming and  closing the door and leaned against the hard surface.

Jin: What happened?

Jimin: We have to wait.

Jin: Why?

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