Chapter 27

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Yana's POV

Me: Not againnnnnnn!!!! -ahh!!

I yelled in frustration but again landed on the floor because of my weak state. Taehyung was laughing since he won the game for the 13th time now but quickly worry was written over his face by seeing me falling.

Taehyung: I told you playing games is a bad idea.

He helped me get up and sat me on the soft mattress of his bed. Yes I was playing video games with him in his room since I was bored as Jimin and Olivia left after having breakfast with us. Taehyung handed me a cookie from the bedside table as I munched on it taking in its chocolaty taste.

I don't know but ever since Taehyung confessed me I'm not shutting up even for a second, even I'm not fully recovered yet. It's only been a few hours and I was already so bored. Moreover I have to stay home for 3 days now. I was supposed to rest for 2 days but Taehyung insisted and made me agree on 3 days.

He came back from downstairs with a glass of milk in his hand as I backed away from him feeling disgusted just by seeing that white stuff.

Me: anything but not milk!

He placed the glass on the small table and came towards me reaching his hand out so he can drag me to him by my wrist.

Taehyung: You have to drink that! I can't ignore any advices from the doctor now come here~

He pulled me by my both wrist to him as I tried to back off from him with all my weak strength as I whined. He laughed pulling me onto him and hugged me.

Me: Please I'll eat anything but not milk.

I pouted looking up at him as he raised his brows smirking and poked his tongue in his inner cheek.

Taehyung: Anything?

I nodded furiously as his smirk grew wider. He sat me down on the bed backing away a bit.

Only if I was a bit smarter I'd have known what was in his mind...

Taehyung: I'm not hard...but you can give it a try.

Me: What....what the fu-!!!

He didn't let me finish my sentence and already opened the buckle of his belt as I jumped on him holding his wrist so he stopped his actions. He laughed and pulled away his belt getting rid of it.

Taehyung: You said anything.

He winked chuckling as my face flushed red and I quietly took the glass of milk and sipping on it only to get my nose scrunched up from it's taste.

Taehyung: Drink all of it or else...

He put his hand on his jeans button as my eyes grew big and I took a long breath gulping down the whole glass. He chuckled looking at me. I detached the glass from my lips wiping the stains from it harshly and put the glass back on the table.

Me: Happy?

He nodded sitting beside me on the bed as I took deep breaths to calm myself down because I was holding my breath drinking that.

Me: Please wrap your belt around...I'm paranoid.

He laughed taking me in his arms and leaned ourselves on the headboard as I cuddled his chest.

Taehyung: Don't worry. I won't do anything yet.

He kissed my already reddened cheek smiling slightly against my skin.

Taehyung: But you smell so damn good right now...

He snaked his arm around my waist pulling me onto him and kissed on my earlobe. I let out a slight moan from the contact of his pink, plumpy lips.

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