Chapter 7

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Yana's POV,

He was leaning against and looking at the city view as the night light fell on it. I didn't want to talk to him so I stood a bit away from me. Luckily he didn't notice me.

Even though I didn't want to talk my curious mind was killing me to know what was he doing here. My feet automatically approached him thinking if I should talk or not. I didn't even notice I came beside him until my own voice make me come back to reality.

Me: J-Jimin?

Jimin: Huh!?

He looked at me kinda surprised. I felt like I might have disturbing him from his thoughts but still I stood there.

Jimin: What are you doing here?

Me: I could ask you the same.

I said standing side by side to him as he moved a bit far from me.

Me: Hey hey hey! I'm not gonna bully you.

He chuckled a bit as well as me.

Jimin: Of course you can't.

Me: I don't bully people that doesn't mean I can't!

Jimin: Yeah yeah whatever.

He said flicking his hands and combing his hair back.

Me: What are you doing here?

Jimin: Just enjoying the view.

He said looking at the city as the city lights glimmered on his eyes. He really looked like an angel far away from that demon Taehyung.

Jimin: Am I that Handsome?

He said looking at me chuckling. It took me quite surprised as I startled. But I composed myself.

Me: Says the one who HELPS to bully people.

Jimin: Talking about taehyung?

Me: Or else who I'd be mentioning?

Jimin: You know you really shouldn't say something bad about people when you don't know their history...

Me: Hohoho~~are you a demon that is possessed in this human body?

I said sarcastically with an evil smile. He looked at me giving death glare as I shut up immediately.

Me: Sorry.

Jimin: Well you should be. Angel like me will never be a demon.

He said flicking his hair as both of us laughed.

Me: So what were you saying about taehyung?

Jimin: You want to know?

Me: Yeah I'm interested.

Jimin: Fine.

Me: Wait why are you telling me this? It's not like we're friends or something...

He went silent for a bit. Still looking at the city view he continued.

Jimin: Well I trust you... you're different somehow...and I feel like you can make Taehyung right.

Whatever he said made me confused af but I still kept listening while taking a bit on my mukbang. That's when I realized I had one more mukbang left and it would be rude if I didn't offer him it.

Me: Here have one.

I said as he looked at me then at my hand which was holding a packet of the food.

Jimin: No thanks. I'm not hung-

His stomach growled loudly as he clutched it smiling shyly. I bit back my grin.

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