Chapter 15

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Author POV

Jimin: H-hey mind if I join you?

He asked timidly looking at Olivia who had her glasses on and books all over the table in the library. It was a day off so there were less people in the library and almost an empty campus. She looked at him and smiled sliding a little to make some space. She patted on the empty seat making Jimin smile as well.

Jimin: Good morning Olive...

Her cheeks formed a dust of Reddish color hearing the nickname. Even tho literally everyone call her that bit still hearing it from jimin sounded extra melodious for her.

Olivia: G-good morning...

Jimin: I brought you some coffee. Hope you don't mind.

She didn't notice that he had two cups in his hand until now. She smiled softly at his kind gesture as Jimin handed her the cup.

Olivia: Thank you...

Jimin: My pleasure sweetheart.

She chocked on her first sip hearing him call her sweetheart. She started to cough continuously making Jimin freak out and rub her back slowly.

Jimin: Hey are you okay.... Calm down... Shhh....

Olivia: It's okay.... I'm fine.

She breathed out slowly and took another sip from her coffee. Silence came in between them making it more awkward. Jimin started to fidget with his cute little chubby fingers and Olivia again looked at her book hiding from his gaze as he was looking at her. To break the silence, Jimin started first.

Jimin: You feel lonely, don't you...? Since Yana moved in Taehyung's mansion again, it must be hard for you to live alone without your best friend... Right...?

He tapped his fingers on the table creating a rhythmic sound only to get a "shush" from the librarian as the sound was echoing through the whole library. He mouthed a sorry to the librarian and looked at Olivia again. She had already finished her drink.

Olivia: You're's been so long since we've spent time together. Now she's living far away from here and it's really difficult for her to meet me everytime when it's off time. But I got Yeonjun and Soobin to company me but they also have different class and plans with others.

Jimin listened to her with full attention and slurping his coffee again making sound, which made the librarian get angry at him again. As a result, both of them got out even tho Olivia didn't do anything.

Jimin:S-sorry for that... because of me you didn't get to study inside.

Olivia: It's okay, I was finishing up though.

She was about to go looking all gloomy missing her best friend and Jimin stood there thinking fast about what to do next. An idea popped in his brain and he quickly ran towards her who was already far ahead in the finishing of that corridor. He grabbed her hand which made her gasp as she looked at him.

Jimin: Let's go out!

He blurted out with a big smile on his lips.

Olivia: Where...?

Jimin: I know a place, let's go there.

She thought for a second before answering,

Olivia: Sure...but I want to change my cloths. Let's go with me in my dorm and wait until I get ready.

Jimin: Okay as you wish.

Both of them went to Olivia's dorm and she closed the door after entering.
Jimin looked around her place admiring the little decorations and flower vases.

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