Chapter 40

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Author POV

Olivia looked around the food shelf trying to find her favorite snacks. Her frustration reached the peak as she saw her snacks on the top shelf. She looked side by side trying to locate any person who could help her but found none. Putting her leg on one of the shelves she jumped a bit and got the packet at the first attempt. Feeling satisfied she went to the counter to pay for it and went out of the store. It was night already but the urge to eat her favorite food while watching movies brought her out to buy it. She sighed seeing no transport in the road and feeling lonely than ever. She's been in her hometown with her parents for so long that made her miss her best friend madly. Jimin would come once or twice a week to meet her and her time would fly by amazingly along with great intercourses between them. Yet going back to her normal life with Yana beside her, she could kill for it.

Olivia turned to her left and started walking and took the shortcut route to get home quickly because the sky was already rumbling from heavy grey clouds calling out for heavy stormy night. Her footsteps echoed around the rusty broken walls beside her. She clutched on her bag tightly secretly praying for safety and again mentally cursing herself to take the route to go back quickly. The weather was not helping also. A plastic water bottle scrunched under her feet causing her to flinch from the sudden disturbing sound. Her fear got the best out of her and she started to walk quickly not knowing another figure had already started walking behind her, following her steps.

The unknown person took out the tranquilizer gun and aimed it at her neck as it was an easy target because she had her hair tied in a bun. Silently pulling on the trigger the tranquilizer straight pinched on her neck causing a small Yelp leave her mouth. Her bag fell from her hand following by her body as she fell on the dusty road losing consciousness. The person came in light as the face revealed non other than the one eyes man Namjoon. This time, his plan was easy. Victim for a victim....or maybe something else...

Yana kicked her foot hard on the ground being unable to put out the right shot across her with a revolver. Her instructor was watching her carefully crossing her arms as she felt a little tap on her shoulder.

Jin: How's she doing, Susan?

The British girl slurped out in her British accent.

Susan: She's good... But that's not enough, she needs more practice.

Jin: I see... Are you guys done with your session?

Susan looked down at her watch and nodded agreeing with the latter.

Jin: Then come in! I made lunch.

Susan: In a minute.

Jin left leaving Susan as her focus diverted back to Yana who was busy using her last magazine of bullets for a perfect shot right in the middle. Her 3 bullets went in vein.

4th shot

Just below the main target

5th shot

Straight to the point!

Yana put down her gun with dissatisfied face yet her senior smiled in content. She went closer to the younger girl. Yana put down her safety glasses and bowed a little.

Susan: You're doing great! You are learning faster than I thought.

Yana: Thank you Susan...but I feel like I'm still lacking a lot.

Susan: It's okay, that's why I'm here. Now let's go inside. Jin called us for lunch.

Yana nodded and went inside with her. Jin placed the dishes on the table as Yana unconsciously looked around trying to find Taehyung.

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