Chapter 44

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Yana's POV

It's been a week. Jimin and Olivia are admitted in the hospital. Namjoon is captive in the basement of a remote area Taehyung chose. Susan went back to her organization because she had already served her purpose. Since she left I also became a lazy potato back again.

I've been visiting my friends daily. The horrible state that Namjoon out Olivia in, has made her traumatic. She's going to get prosthetics for her hands and feet. I feel beyond sorry and regret because I was the only reason she had to end up like this. Jimin is going to need more than half a year to start walking normally and run too.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jin oppa are working to dig up Namjoon's  other things that can trap us and ending them one by one. I actually thought it was going to be hectic and I have to pay a toll to destroy Namjoon.

For some reason, it was pretty easy to catch him...which doesn't feel right somehow.

Should it would this easy?

I am feeling like this every now and then. I talked with Taehyung about this ad seemed like we're on the same page.

Today, Taehyung won't be accompanying me to meet our friends. I bought food and some fruits for them. Generally I visit Olivia the most because I feed her meals. Today I got her favourite tteokbokki and glass noddles. She tells me everytime how much she loves it.

I knocked on the cabin door as a faint "come in" was heard. I slightly opened the door.

Yana:Hi... Olive, it's me.

She tilted her head smiling at me as I get in waving at her. I put the bags of food on a small table beside her bed. They both got to have the same cabin.

Yana: Hey Jimin, you alright?

Jimin: I feel better than before, thanks for asking.

Olivia: He tried walking today you know Yana?! Even though the doctor strictly forbade him and now as a result it bleed out more from his bandages. Now he has double bandages. Stupid Jimin.

Jimin clutched her chest as if her words stabbed him.

Jimin: Babe that hurts, ouch!

I giggled looking at two grown ups who were acting like 5 years old kids.

I love them.

Yana: I got you your favorite food today!

Her eyes lit up from excitement as she knows exactly what I meant.

Olivia: Thank you so much yana-ahh! I love you.

Yana:I love you more.

I set out the table between their beds so they can both eat and helped Jimin propping by the headboard. He had cut his hair short because of the excessive shock. He still jolts sometimes for no reason and that makes us worry for him. I am so relieved that they're safe and sound now. But I still hesitate to look at them in eyes because I'm the reason why they ended up like this.

I can forgive myself because I couldn't avenge my sister like I should have. Because it's in the past. I've come a long way leaving that. But now, these two people are my present. I love them like my family. I can't forgive myself because of their current situation.

Yana: Jiminie I got rice for you today. You told me yesterday you're craving it right? I have kimchi too and a chicken sandwich.

Jimin: Ahh what I could do if you weren't there for me! The hospital food tastes like garbage. I'd rather eat homemade food.

Olivia: Says the one who never cooks at home.

Yana: You guys are absolutely adorable!

I sat beside Olivia making her a plate after serving Jimin and started to feed her.

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