Chapter 37

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Author POV

Everyone's eyes glued on Jackson with wide pupils except Taehyung who was calm than ever.

Taehyung: I knew already.

Jin: What do you mean you knew? You should've told us Taehyung!

Jackson: I went to the laboratory and did a DNA test on them. It matched so I went to her hometown to dig out more history. Then I found out it was really Nicky and Yana, twins. Nicky  died a few years ago...

He had something in his voice that no one noticed but jimin. He was determined that Jackson knows something more.

Taehyung: You think, I won't have a background check up on my girlfriend? I got to know about it the day she told me about her family, her dead twin sister. It was a closed case already. I wanted to forget about my past and live my present and Future with Yana. I wanted to move on.

Jin: I understand Taehyung.

He placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder giving it a light reassuring squeeze. Jimin took the file from Jackson and read through the whole. He scrunched his face in confusion without anyone noticing and looked directly at Jackson processing everything.

Jackson: I think I should go before Namjoon notices I'm not there. You can keep the file.

He quickly stood up and left without making eye contact with anyone but that was the last thing that Taehyung and Jin wanted to be concerned about except jimin. He made up his mind.

Jin: Ohh guys, Namjoon's just in front of Yana's room!

Before he could inform Yana about it Namjoon opened the door getting in and found Hyuna all uncuffed and also well treated.

Yana's POV

I was about to tell Hyuna to get some sleep until the door unlocked behind me making me hold my breath as well as Hyuna.

Namjoon: Well well... you've already started misbehaving babygirl? Did I tell you to release Hyuna? Such a bad girl.

He approached me as we both stood up and I tried shielding Hyuna who was scared to death. If he tries anything dangerous I'll stab his eyes for sure. My hands mentally got ready to take out the knife and aim at his eye.

Me: You decided that you'll let her go. Now I decide when she'll be spared. fucking stop on your tracks.

I said trying to sound strong still backing away from him as he approached slowly without paying heed to my words. He pulled out a gun and without any word he pulled the safety pin and shot. My body got stiff as I scrunched my shoulders buy then feeling nothing until Hyuna plopped on my shoulder then sliding down smearing my dress. I slowly looked back at her and gasped in horror.

He just killed Hyuna right in front of me. I promised to save her....

Me: You...

I couldn't form any words until my back hit the wall and he trapped me between his arms, one held a gun in it's hold and other one stayed free. I closed my eyes shaking slightly from his closeness. I felt a fumbling on my hair as I opened my eyes and looked down.

He was taking the camera attached pin!

Me: What are you doing...?

He didn't say anything to me and turned his face towards the camera. I doubted he knew about it. He waved his hand towards it with a crazy wide smile making shockwaves run through my nerves.

Namjoon: Hello dear Taehyung! If you're seeing this so far, I highly recommend you to give me Yana. If not, I'll claim her all by myself. Unfortunately you won't be able to see her farewell brother.

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