Chapter 39

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Taehyung's POV

I caressed Yana's hair and glided the back of my fingers on her warm cheek admiring her. The slow music I had put before she went to sleep made it more peaceful. I looked down at her side profile. Her cheek was fluffed because of the pressing from my thighs making her look like a baby. I chuckled lowly placing my thumb over her lips rubbing them making it moistured. I puffed out a breath closing my eyes and tilting my head on the glass of the window trying to sleep a bit too.

I scrunched my eyes hearing a harsh knock on the glass when I was almost dozed off. Anger and frustration filled my mind remembering Yana can wake up from the sound. I opened my eyes looking at the source of the sound. It was a silhouette of a man. He again knocked and this time harshly as I slid down the glass taking a look at him.

Man: Give me whatever you have boy...or else...

He was in his 30s and hid his face in a black mask and pulled out a gun pressing it on my head. I yawned lowly and looked at him unbothered and placed my finger on my lips indicating him to stay silent.

Me: Shh...don't disturb my girl.

He looked behind me titling his head watching Yana sleep peacefully. He again spoke loudly making me clench my jaws.

Man: I don't care! Give me your wallet or else your little girl won't find you when she wakes up.

I chuckled hearing his threads and carefully placed her head on the cloths she had wore before as a pillow and got out of the car silently.

Man: Didn't you hear me? Give me your wallet and car keys!

He placed his gun on my head again and I swiftly slapped it away making it slip out from his hand and fall on the ground. I quickly punched on his Adam's apple harshly causing him to spit out blood as he fell on the ground beside his gun. He tried to take his gun back but I stepped on his hand pressing it down strongly causing him to scream.

Me: Fucking don't scream! You don't want my girl to wake up.

I pulled out my silenced gun and shot thrice on his chest and head. Blood pooled out from his wounds as he laid lifeless on the ground painting it red. I looked back through the opened door of the car and when I saw no movement from her, I closed the door behind getting in the driving seat and drove to Jin hyung's.

Author POV

The anonymous woman screamed followed by a harsh slap on her thigh as she bent over the wooden table mercilessly getting banged from the muscular guy. Her screams turned him on even more and he sped up hard tearing her insides. Her loud cries were not heard by him as pleasure fused his mind and body. Still he couldn't feel the same arousal he'd always have looking at Yana.

The anger of killing Hyuna and getting stabbed by Yana made him furious as he poured all his anger on the woman he's inside. Releasing himself inside her he still banged her not caring about her pleads. He finally pulled out grabbing her hair and pushed her down on the floor taking out his revolver.

Namjoon: Thanks for the treat. Hope God gives you what you deserve.

With that he pushed one bullet inside her head and her head hit hard on the floor taking her breath away. Namjoon dressed himself and sat in his chair sighing heavily and ran his fingers over the eye patch remembering that day. A knock interrupted followed by Jackson with a file in his hand as Namjoon looked at him questioningly. Jackson glanced at the dead body and sighed getting annoyed.

Jackson: What did I tell you about keeping my office clean?

Namjoon didn't answer and instead scoffed. It was no use to talk to him so Jackson proceeded with the work he was actually there in the first place. He placed a file in front of Namjoon and indicated him to open it.

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