Chapter 18

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Jimin giggled along with his girl seeing the other two in bed. Taehyung's head dipped in Yana's neck, arms and legs tangled together.

Olivia: It was a good idea making them sleep together, otherwise I was more than glad with sleeping with my best friend.

Jimin chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Jimin: Don't lie that you didn't enjoy me beside you.

He looked at her with a teasing smirk and winked afterwards. She blushed under his loving stare.

Olivia: Let's wake them up? What do you say?

Jimin replied a "hmm" and went beside Taehyung shaking his shoulder. He stirred a bit hugging Yana more thinking of her as a bolster. His tight grip broke the deep slumber of the girl in his arms.

She scrunched her eyes blinking rapidly and when she saw the sight in front of her, her eyes went wide as she jerked herself from his grip. Her harsh and Sudden action woke him up too.

Olivia: Good morning guys!

Jimin: I thought you weren't going to wake up today....since you two got some amazing company with each other.

Tease was evident in his voice. Taehyung and Yana looked at each other with shocked and freeze body.

Olivia: Go change up already, they're calling for breakfast.

She said helping Yana get up and take her to the bathroom with her cloths in her hand.

Jimin: You should've seen how you two were knotted with each other. Haha cute...

Taehyung: You know what? I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight.

Jimin: Uh-huh, you can't. Remember there's only one blanket for each.

Taehyung: That's the problem... Wait.... How did you know there's only one?

That's when the only thing popped in Jimin's mind was shit

Jimin: I... umm... Because there's only one blanket that me and Olive used.

Taehyung: But I see another one too.

He indicated to their bed where was two blankets neatly folded.

Jimin: I don't know okay? Stop doubting so much. Go get freshed.

Olivia: Heyy we're done!

Both the girls came out as their breath stucked in their chest by the view in front of the girls.

Yana's outfit

Olivia's outfit

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Olivia's outfit

Olivia's outfit

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