Chapter 21

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Author POV

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open as he sighed so contently holding Yana close to his chest. She was still asleep and before waking her up he wanted to enjoy this view all alone for him. He drag himself down to her face level and laid there quietly looking at her face.

He placed a kiss under her chin and slowly got off from the bed heading towards the bathroom. After doing his morning routine he showered and went to change his cloths. They both had gone to a cloth store and brought some pieces of cloths before booking for the hotel.

He came out only to see Yana still asleep. He sat on the bed texting Jimin about everything and saying that they weren't gonna come back that day. Jimin said his hyung had asked about him but Jimin somehow passed it.

He threw his phone on the soft mattress and gave his full attention to his sleeping beauty. He leaned against the headboard stroking her tangled hair as he brushed those away.

Taehyung: Wake up princess...

He said gently rubbing his thumb over her bare shoulder as she was wearing a spaghetti strip top and shorts. She stirred in his voice or maybe from his touch. He laid down to her face level again and kissed her lips.

He can't remember how many times he kissed her yesterday before going to sleep but still Everytime when he kissed her, the feeling of her soft pink lips drove him crazy.

He was supposed to peck her to wake up but instead he got melted into the kiss and kept kissing her deeply. He put his hand at the small of her back rubbing circles as she jumped in the sensation and started waking up from her deep sleep.

She opened her eyes feeling his lips on her as he kissed her more harshly now that she woke up. Instead of rubbing her eyes to get her sleep away she put her hand on his face kissing him back.

She whimpered into the kiss as he groaned and came on top of her nipping on her lower lips. He put his hands on either side of her face and devoured her mouth not getting enough. She was so deep in ecstasy that she didn't feel him pull the straps of her tops down to her biceps.

He traced his fingers from her cheek down to her jawline, neck and collarbone already proceeding to peel of the elastic fabric off from her chest. Her breathing swallowed feeling his cold fingers brushing down on her.

She tugged on his hair this time entering her tongue in his mouth as he moaned in pure delight. Their tongues danced against each other as they both kissed not wanting to let go yet.

Taehyung had his legs on both side of her legs trapping her between them. She bent her knees slightly as it rubbed past his already erected member. He groaned at the contact and broke the kiss. They both panted heavily from the hard kiss as he smiled looking down at her.

Taehyung: Good morning!

Yana:Good morning Tae...

He felt a tug on his heart hearing his nickname from her lips. He leaned down on her again and kissed her passionately this time holding her still with hands both sides of her waist. His one hand slid up to touch her waist but a sudden ring from his phone made him groan loudly again. He still ignored the call and went down to her neck placing wet kisses as Yana moaned under his light kisses.

His phone ringed again making him pull away as he pinched his nose bridge scrunching his nose annoyed.

Taehyung: Every fucking time! If this is Jimin about his bike I'm seriously gonna kill him...

She giggled at his frustration and sat up fixing her hair and her tops.

Yana: The call must be important, since it's ringing non-stop...

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