Chapter 24

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Yana's POV

My eyes fluttered open but I still closed them not getting enough sleep. I intended to hug my so familiar blanket in my room, in my soft mattress but a strong arm pulled me close to his hard built chest. I gasped at the feeling and looked behind me. Only to see Taehyung snuggled up against me.

I turned around facing him and placed my hand on his cheek which was puffed because of him pressing his face on the pillow. I traced the back of my finger on his face. From his temples to his eyes, cheeks, lips and his sharp jawline.

He squeezed his eyes and opened them slowly before smiling towards me.

Taehyung: G'morning.

Me: Good morning Tae...

He leaned his face forward to kiss but I placed my hand over his mouth.

Me: uh-huh...we didn't brush yet.

He smiled closing his eyes an0 hugged me tighter.

Me: Isn't Namjoon oppa home?

Taehyung: He went somewhere really early in the morning.

Me: So that means....

Taehyung: Only me and you....even maids are not present here...

He smirked licking the arch of his lips. I blushed and buried my face in his chest. He rested his chin on my head.

Me: And...?

Taehyung: We're together.

He pressed a kiss on my head as I looked up at him.

Me: didn't say you love me.

Taehyung: I did but you didn't notice.

He caressed my scattered hair smoothening them on the way.
Is it how it is? When did he even confessed? Was it that day when he took me to his special place? But he didn't say he loves me like the way he should say.

Me: What time is it?

Taehyung: 10 in the morning.

I jumped up sitting straight on my bed looking at him in shock. We're in bed that long?! I missed my classes?!

Me: What about class?!

Taehyung: Don't you remember? Today's a weekend.

My mouth went agape as I thought what day it was.

Oh was a weekend. I scratched my neck smiling like an idiot as he sat up too.

Me: I should go get freshen up. You should too.

I got off and headed towards my bathroom taking a towel with me.

Taehyung: Can I join you? You water shower together?

He smiled looking at me as I shook my head.

Me: No you can't and we're not together so we can't shower together.

I slammed the door shut giggling and resting my back on the door. He must be looking like a lost puppy now.

I took a long shower washing my hair after a long time with full satisfaction. The camp water was good but I couldn't take long showers because of the turns of 4 people together. And the mosquitoes have tattooed my arms and legs with red dots. It was still hurting a bit on my back because of that tops.

I swear I'm never wearing back strings tops again. I came out in my towel and sighed in relief that Taehyung was gone from my room. I quickly changed my cloths to a comfy hoody as the weather was a bit chilly.

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