Chapter 4

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Author POV,

It was quite a few days since Taehyung spilled water on Yana. Everyone even Yana was shocked that Kim Taehyung didn't do anything to her because of that yelling in the cafe. Well it's good for all of them. But who knew Taehyung would have something in his mind.

Olivia: Yana? Yah you listening?!

She shook her body in attempt to get Yana's attention towards her which worked.

Yana: Y-yeah?

She replied chewing on her french fries.

Olivia: What happened to you? You're zoned out for like 10 minutes. Something bothering you?

Yeonjun: Hey guys!

He said carrying his food tray and sitting beside us with a cheerful smile.

Yana: What's with your smile today? You look happy.

Yeonjun: Yeah.

Olivia: You found yourself a girlfriend?

She said smirking to Yeonjun as he laughed it off.

Yeonjun: It wouldn't be that bad but no. That's not the fact. The math teacher gave me a hundred! It barely happens in Mr. Choi's class.

Olivia: Oh the strict one? Damn that man is something!

Yana: I saw him dragging a boy to principal's office.

Yeonjun: Because he was only eating in the class.

Olivia: Poor boy...

The bell rang indicating the time was over for lunch. Everyone whined getting up from their seats.

Olivia: I couldn't even get to eat my nuggets peacefully...

She pouted getting up as Yana hit her head with her knuckles chuckling.

Yana: C' can eat more when the classes are over.

*Time Skip*

Yana's POV,

Ugh!!! This is so boring...
I was walking in the corridor all alone because I had less classes than Olivia and Yeonjun. Even Soobin is not here. I was thinking about random things while listening to music through my headphones. When I looked forward I saw Jimin running towards me.

Remembering he's Taehyung's friend, I straightened my posture and kept a poker face towards him. I thought he's gonna pass by me but no. He stopped in front of me gasping for air as he was running. I was a bit confused but I hid it.

Jimin: Y-Yana...

He was still panting. I kept quiet even though I wasn't interested to listen.

Jimin: Tae-... Taehyung is injured...

Yana: *Scoff* The one who INJURES other people?

Jimin: He got a major cut in his arm in the cooking class...We somehow... managed to stop the blood flowing. Please try to understand...

He said taking breaks while saying it. I unfolded my arms hearing it.

Yana: Take him to the nurse's office.

I told him stepping aside and walking away. But he gripped my forearm stopping me on my way. I looked at him feeling slightly irritated.

Yana: What is it?! Just leave me alone already!

Jimin: The office is closed already. He's really injured. Please help him.

Yana: I still have a cold because of his behavior in the cafe. Remember?

Jimin: That doesn't mean that you can't help people. Please?

Yana: You're so annoying...

Jimin: Not all the bad boys are bad you know?

Yana: Fine.

I said giving up and internally promising myself to not to help this jerk ever again.

Yana: Where is he?

I said as he smiled gesturing me forward.

Jimin: In the cooking classroom.

Yana: Let's go.

Hearing it he almost dragged me to the class. Getting close to the class I was wondering why he didn't take help in the class while he was cutting? There should be teacher and other students to help right?Why he asked help only from ME when he could ask anyone else?

Thinking about it I didn't even realize I was in front of the cooking classroom.

All of a sudden, Jimin pushed me in the class hardly making me lose balance and falling over the counter of one of the table.

Yana: What the hell jimin!!

But it was too late when I turned around and saw the door locked from outside. I gasped realizing their plan as I rushed to the door trying to open it. But it was locked from outside.

Yana: Help!! Please!! Anyone there?! I'm stuck. Please help me!

I shouted banging and punching on the door. I was gasping loudly because of the air compressor in the room. I rested my forehead against the door closing my eyes.

Yana: Stupid bastards...let me get out. I'll make sure to snatch the living daylight out from their body...

Then somehow I don't know but I felt a presence behind me. More like towering over me. I was about to turn around but a big hand pressed over my nose and mouth making my eyes go wide in shock.

It was wrapped in a piece of cloth. I started to kick me legs and hands trying to get get away from the cloth. But the person's other hand locked with my arms stopping me and I ended up inhaling on the cloth.

Soon I started to lose my conscience making me close my eyes embracing the darkness. My hands and legs gave up making me fall but the person held me by his arms as I fainted completely.

Author POV,

Taehyung: Done!

He said taking Yana over his shoulder and calling Jimin over his airpod. Soon he came in the classroom unlocking the door.

Jimin: You got her?

Taehyung: Yeah. Damn! She is really strong...I had to use all my strength to stop her moving.

Both of them laughed as Taehyung looked at Yana from behind his shoulder.

Taehyung: Snatching the living daylight huh? I'll show you whom you've underestimated...

Then both of them left from there taking her to another secret place without anyone noticing since it was almost everyone's class time.


Thank you for reading. Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to tap the little star ⭐ on the bottom of you liked it. It helps me a lot. Also follow me to stay tuned.

Hope you have a great day or night.

Borahae 💜

Tomorrow is BE release date!!!!!
Hope to break record again 🐱
Fighting ARMYs 💜

Tomorrow is BE release date!!!!!Hope to break record again 🐱Fighting ARMYs 💜

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