Chapter 6

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*Next Day*

Yana's POV,

I was in the class thinking all that happened yesterday. Thankfully no one saw my bruised hands as I wore an oversized sweater which covered all over my hands. Olivia was suspicious about it but I somehow managed to make her believe it's nothing. The strange thing is I didn't see Taehyung around when we were in the cafe eating or talking in the hallways. It was kinda relieved but also a tensioning matter.

Mr. Kang: Yana? Are you listening?

Soobin: Yana teacher is calling for you...

He said slightly shaking my arm as I came back to reality.

Me: Huh? Oh...

Mr. Kang walked up to my desk as I stood up as well.

Mr. Kand: Are you okay Yana? Something's bothering you?

I slowly shook my head making him nod in understanding.

Mr. Kang: You sure?

Me: I'm sorry that I didn't pay attention in the class.

I apologized slightly bowing at him.

Mr. Kang: It's okay. But I think you need a rest. I'm giving you a pass. Go to your dorm and take rest.

I was slightly surprised at his words. I couldn't be more happy than going back to my lovely bed. I slightly smiled and thanked him.

Saying bye to Soobin, I got out from the class and started walking until I overheard something from the principal's office.

I didn't wanted to stalk but my curiosity killed the cat and I slowly approached to the door.

Mr. Kim: Taehyung you're such a disappointing kid! How long do I have to keep you in this institute?! Can't you study once in your life for God's sake?!

I slightly laughed getting to know Kim Taehyung is getting scolded from his brother.

Taehyung: Hyung the teachers are not qualified for my study. I demand better teachers.

What the hell...who's he to question a teacher's qualifications...

Mr. Kim: I don't want to hear anything understand?! If you don't study and pass this time I'll take actions against you and your behaviour.

Taehyung: What do you mean?

Mr. Kim: I'm getting news that you've been disturbing and bullying new students.

Yes Sir get to the point...uhuuu...this is getting interesting...

Taehyung: What?! Hell no! I'm not bullying anyone. You can ask jimin.

I slightly gasped and furrowed my eyes hearing his lies like it's nothing.

Mr. Kim: I'm believing you for the last time. Don't dare to break my trust.

Taehyung: I won't hyung.

Mr.Kim: You can go now.

Hearing it before Taehyung could come out I quickly ran away from there.

*Time Skip*

I was getting bored in my dorm room as the classes are still going on and Olivia attending them. I sighed plopping on my bed as an idea popped in my head.

Why don't I go have a visit around here? I quickly got up from my bed and went in the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower I wore an outfit and did my makeup. I let my hair loose.

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