Chapter 31

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Yana's POV

I've never been this embarrassed in my whole life. My best friend and his boyfriend just saw us make out in the kitchen table. Thank God, they didn't come a little bit earlier. Or else I'd be literally digging a hole and crawl in it and never come out again. I quickly got off the table fixing my dress and approached them with a pissed face Taehyung.

Taehyung: Jimin, looks like you forgot how to knock.

Jimin: I did know that but what I didn't know was, you guys will be eating each other's face in front of the open main door.

I hid my face in my palms feeling burning hot in my cheeks and hid behind Taehyung.

Me: please Jimin stop... you're embarrassing me...

Jimin chuckled as Olivia came hugging me.

Olivia: I told my parents I was gonna group study with you guys, but looks like that'd be some other time.

I hugged her tighter feeling shy until Taehyung clicked his fingers getting our attention.

Taehyung: Foods are getting cold. We should eat.

Jimin: Plus I brought the "thing" too.

I looked at him confused about what he was talking about. I looked at Taehyung questioningly as his gaze fixed sterned on Jimin.

Jimin: Uhmm.... Girls can you bring the plates and glasses?

Me: Sure.

I took Olivia with me and went to the cupboards taking out plates and glasses.

Olivia: It must feel so nice getting banged on the table, isn't it?

She giggled making me facepalm as I looked at her sideways.

Me: Shut up or else I'm shoving this plate in your mouth.

Olivia: Oh my gosh! Yana chill! I'm just kidding. In fact I'm really happy for you. Finally you got Taehyung in such a short period of time.

Me: Thanks Olive... You're so nice. I wish I had a best friend like you from my childhood.

She hugged me from behind and placed a kiss on my cheek. This thing I always loved about her. She's always so passionate about our friendship. When my sister passed away, I shut myself in and isolated myself from my parents. I really needed someone like her but now since I got her, I feel contented.

Olivia: You have me now. I'm never gonna let you go, you'll have to tolerate me for the rest of your life.

Me: I'm more than happy to do that!

We laughed and went to the boys who were done arranging the tables and couches in a way that there were a big space between for us so sit.

Jimin: Come sit, me and Taehyung will serve the food.

He pulled Olivia by her hand and made her sit across him. I sat down beside Olivia as Taehyung came back from his room with a few alcohol bottles. I looked at him raising my brows.

Taehyung: It's for a game.

Me: I'm not buying it.

Taehyung sat on the floor setting the bottles full of clear liqueur saving them for the last. He opened the Packets serving the foods on the plates and decorating them like a professional.

 He opened the Packets serving the foods on the plates and decorating them like a professional

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