Chapter 3

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Yana's POV,

Me: What's your name?

I asked the injured boy who was now half mommy because of the bandages on his elbows and stomach. The nurse already left leaving us alone in the nurse's office.

He looked up at me with his brownish eyes making me gulp down my throat. He was injured but still the features of his face was unharmed.

???: I'm Soobin...

Me: Oh Hi. I'm Yana.

Soobin: Nice to meet you Yana.

He smiled weakly as we both took a glance at each other.

Me: How are you feeling?

Soobin: Better now.

He said getting up to sit on the bed while I sat on the nearest chair.

Me: So who was that?

Soobin: Who?

Me: The one who beat you.

Soobin: Oh... he's Kim Taehyung. The 4th year senior as well as the biggest bully in our University.

Me: Oh I thought they don't have bullies in Uni...

Soobin: It's because he's the brother of the principal.

Me: Spoiled brat?

Soobin: Yeah. But you know you shouldn't have talked back to him.

He said standing up from the bed. I stood up as well.

Me: Why?

Soobin: Because he's gonna start bullying you too.

Me: Oh! It's okay. Don't worry about me that much.

Soobin: Be careful.

He said ruffling my hair as I put my head down blushing as he smiled.

Soobin: Btw thanks for whatever you did for me earlier.

Me: Ah Don't mention it.

Soobin: See you soon?

Me: Yeah.

We bade each other goodbye taking our different way. I was really tired and it was already evening so I walked fast to my dorm.

*Time Skip*

Olivia: So you met the Kim Taehyung?

Me: Yeah...such a jerk you know. Beating and bullying junior students.

Olivia: He's always like that.

She said shrugging her shoulders and sipping on her apple juice.

Olivia: Then stay away from him as much as you can.

Me: Ughh everyone is saying that! Why?!

Olivia: Because he's really bad. Since you stopped him from beating that guy he'll be after you too.

Me: What much will he do huh?! It's not like he'll kill me or something. And there's always a thing called University authority.

Olivia: Hah he's not scared of those stupid authorities.

Me: Yeah yeah after all he's the principal's brother...

Olivia: Btw how was your day?

Me: It was really awesome!

Olivia: Told ya.

*Time Skip*
*Next Morning*

Me, Olivia, Yeonjun and Soobin were having breakfast at the cafeteria chatting.

Soobin: So Yana, we're in the same departments right?

Me: Yeah.

Yeonjun: That means you guys going to study together.

He said with a little pout.

Me: What happened Yeonjun?

Yeonjun: I don't have that much close friends in my class except you guys. It's kinda boring sitting alone in class.

He said stretching his arms and yawning.

Olivia: Still we can meet in the lunch time.

Soobin: That's right.

We were talking about some random staffs until the whole cafeteria gasped and started whispering. Olivia put her fork down sighing and looking at us. I looked at her confusingly.

Me: What is it?

Olivia: Kim Taehyung.

Me: He's here?

I said turning around from my seat but then suddenly...a puddle of cold water was all splashed on me. My hairstyle and clothes were all wet because of the cold water.

Taehyung:Oh sorry my bad!

He said laughing with his friends.

Me: Wtf Kim Taehyung!!

Olivia: Taehyung that's too much! What she has ever done to you?

Taehyung: I don't need to give a explanation to nerds like you.

Me: Yeah don't want a explanation from a loser like you.

The people in cafeteria gasped at my statement. The friends who were at Taehyung's side stood froze.

Soobin: Yana you shouldn't say that...

He said whispering.

Taehyung: What did you just call me...

Me: L-O-S-E-R.

Taehyung: How dare you. Do you even know who I am?

Me: Yes. You're a loser. A fucking loser who bullies students who come here to study. A spoiled brat. A heartless stupid pathetic human.

Taehyung stood there hearing all my insults with a stern face and clenched jaw.

Jimin: Taehyung! Why don't you say something?! She's insulting you!

Taehyung: You bi-

Suddenly the alarm rings signalling us to leave cafeteria for class. We all took out bags and I intentionally pushed his shoulder with mine jerking him to the side making space for me and my friends to walk. He was shocked. He never received this kind of behavior from any student. This act really pissed him off.

Jimin: Tae what happened to you? You never lose in these kind of things...

Taehyung: Told you didn't I? She's kinda special to annoy.

Jimin chuckled.

Jimin: You have something in your mind right?

Taehyung: Mhmm...just wait and watch...

With that both of them left the cafeteria going to their different classes.

What Taehyung has in his mind?


Thank you for reading my story. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to tap the little star ⭐ on the bottom.

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Hope you have a great day.
Borahae 💜😘

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