Chapter 29

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Author POV

Taehyung broke the kiss and paid attention to his knee putting pressure on Yana's core as she gasped and arched her back holding on his biceps. His hands which were on her breasts furiously went under her tops taking it off and revealing her hello Kitty bra. She blushed under his lustful gaze. The curves of her breast made him look at her hungrily.

Taehyung: You're too fucking gorgeous...

She moaned on his compliment. He attacked her neck sucking roughly and bit on the skin earning a breathy moan from her. He kept licking her skin placing warm wet kisses and rubbing his knee on her already soaked core as her wetness stained her shorts along with the black fabric of taehyung's pant.

He placed his hands on either side of her waist giving light squeezes and moving his hands more up to her sides and finally on her face. He finally released the soft flesh of her neck as purple marks came visible in his eyes. He smirked looking at her neck and crashed his swollen lips on her kissing harshly.

The movements of his knee in between her thighs increased as she took heavy breaths squeezing her thighs. His impatience took the best of him as he pulled her bra down revealing her perfectly shaped round breasts. Yana closed her eyes feeling exposed and screamed lowly releasing her first ever orgasm on his knee.

Taehyung: You've made a mess.

He chuckled removing his knee and watching her cum stained all over the fabric. He looked back at her flushed face again and then to her breasts. He pulled his face down on her breasts taking the hard nipple in his mouth and one hand on the other one giving it light squeezes and occasional pinches.

He sucked and bit on her hard sensitive nipples as her hands tugged on his silky hair bitting on her lips. His other hand slipped in between them moving aside her shorts and rubbing on her wetness coating his fingers in it. She flinched as his cold fingers rubbed harshly on her core.

He pulled his mouth from her nipple wetting around it with his tongue and flicking it. He looked at her pleasures face and smirked widely increasing the speed of his fingers on her pussy. He started to ground his already hard member on her thighs grunting softly.

He stood on his knees removing his hands from her as she whined at the loss of contact already missing him. He pulled off his shirt and jeans swiftly as his erection poked through his boxers. But the thing that first caught Yana's attention was his well built body. She realized it was the very first time she saw his body.

Taehyung: I guess you're liking the view.

Yana: I'm loving it.

He lowered himself getting her rid of her bra and her shorts along with her panties soaked in her cum. She looked at it embarrassed hiding her face in her hands as he chuckled throwing it randomly on his room. He kissed her forehead and all over her face giving a loving kiss on her lips and went more down. He kissed on the valley of her breast giving each of them a kiss on the hardened buds.

He stopped on her waist line looking at her face as she had her eyes closed and arching back reacting to his every  kisses.


She screamed loudly feeling his mouth on her sensitive clit as he licked a long stride over her folds tasting her. Yana clutched on the bedsheets for her dear life as he spread opened her folds revealing her pink walls. He dipped his tongue in poking on her vagina and pressed his thumb over her swollen clit.

Taehyung's other free hand went up to hold her hand as she squeezed it softly moaning. He moaned on her clit sending vibrations and lapped her juices with his tongue making slurping sounds. She kept moaning his name like a prayer and moved her hips according to his needs.

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