Chapter 22

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Yana's POV

Me: If I knew we're gonna go to beach, I'd have bring my bikinis.... Now look at me! I have nothing like that with me!

I screamed in frustration with my cloths scattered all over the bed. My suitcase was emptied out of clothes still I couldn't find anything.

Olivia: Why don't you take my one?

Me: No, you have only one pair, I don't want to deprive you from that.

Olivia: Then wear your undergarments only!

She laughed making me look at her disappointingly.

Me: Why don't you do that and I wear your bikinis?

This time she stopped laughing and it was my time to laugh.

Me: I was kidding! I guess I'll wear something that's suitable for beach...

Olivia: Let's wear something matching.

Me: Okay....

I dig in my cloths and after sometime I found one pair of soft fabric as Olivia clapped her hands together.

Olivia: This is perfect! I have something a bit similar to it.

Me: Alright! I guess this one is best for it!

I folded my other cloths keeping them in my suitcase as she helped me to fold them quickly. We were going to take the buses to the beach as Taehyung and Jimin went out for some works.

Last 2 days were like a dream to me. I never thought I'd get him to fall for me that quickly. He did said he didn't love me yet but it's just a matter of time until he falls for me all over. He gave me a chance and I'm gonna use it to the fullest.

He's such a great kisser and he was my first kiss, infact he's my first love. Even though I didn't do as great as him in kissing, he lead me all the way to the peak of butterflies in the stomach.

The breakfast in the hotel was something that I think really much. How was I so confident to be like that?! Even thinking about it made me blush now.

My heart swelled at the fact that he showed me the places that he adores so much. His mother did gave birth to a amazing boy. I really didn't know this arrogant, egoistic boy will really change to someone exactly how I wanted.

The promise to Jimin to make him right was going to fulfilled. Jimin will be so happy to see his best friend changing. I'm happy for him too. That he got his long-waited love just after I arrived in their lives.

I closed my eyes lingering to the feeling of Taehyung kissing me under the rays of sunshine which even blushed seeing us kiss. I chuckled at the thought of it. But everytime there's always something that's coming in our way everytime we tried to go any further.

Next time before something happens I'll make sure to get rid of these things.

Jimin: Girls the buses are ready. Let's go.

He said opening the door as we both took our small bags where we kept the cloths to change. Taehyung came in following Jimin and smiled looking at me. His smiles are melting me too much now ever since he indirectly confessed to me. I smiled back at him.

Olivia:It's gonna be so fun, yay!

She quickly left with Jimin before kissing his cheek and left us alone. We kept looking at each other without saying anything and that made us look like a total creep.

Me: You look like a creep.

Taehyung: Same to you.

He came forward towards me folding his arms around me sticking out bodies together. He kissed my cheek brushing his fingers through my open locks.

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