Chapter 25

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[ Not me checking him out shamelessly 👉👈]

Author POV

Jimin and Olivia left really late at night. Taehyung called his hyung for his where bouts but he just got the answer that he won't come home that night. Taehyung picked up the drunk Yana who was asleep thankfully and went in his room laying her down on his bed. He changed his cloths to PJs and slept cuddling her in his chest.

Next day

Yana woke up with strong arms and lavender scent around her. She didn't need to know who it was as she smiled to herself for this peaceful morning. She placed his arms carefully in his side and getting up from the bed. Her slight movement woke him up as he massaged his shoulder getting up too.

Taehyung: You're such a morning person...

Yana: You should be too. Now go get dressed for Uni.

Taehyung hummed and smiled to himself thinking about this day. He was gonna propose her to be his girlfriend and he even brought a pretty ring for her. He wished nothing wrong to happen this time when he's getting her all for himself and showing other that she belongs to him.

Both met at the same while getting down the stairs and came to the dining room for breakfast. All the maids and servants had already came back from their vacation.

Emily: Good morning Mr Kim...good morning Ms. Yana.

She bowed slightly as Taehyung and Yana bowed slightly too greeting her.

Emily: please sit, I'll serve your food now.

They both sat across each other as Yana smiled looking at Taehyung as he did too.

Taehyung: You're looking gorgeous.

He whispered to her as she mouthed a thanks.

Yana: You're looking handsome too...

Taehyung: I'm always Handsome.

He flicked his hair as she chuckled at his proud face.

Yana's outfit

Emily served their food as they ate quickly because they were getting late

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Emily served their food as they ate quickly because they were getting late. Taehyung took her to his car and drove off to their campus seeing the matching cloths couple. They smiled at each other and got off the car as Taehyung parked it in its respective place.

Yana: You guys really wore matching cloths?!

She said kinda loudly in amusement as the couple chuckled and clinged to each other.

Jimin: I thought today's a good day to wear it.

Jimin and Olivia knew about Taehyung's confession that was about to happen today so they expressed their happiness through their matching clothes.

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