Chapter 42

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Author's POV

Yana's training wasn't much closer to be completed due to her slowly healing injuries and wounds. Blue and purplish bruises were all over her body and face. Her instructor Susan felt bad for her but her orders come first that she must obey. She was strictly commanded that Yana must have proper training to defend herself and strike back if needed. Susan kept her keen eyes on Yana from a little afar who was now punching the sand filled bag. Until she rips off the bag from the impacts of her strength, she can't stop.

It kept going as Yana grunted and groaned with her every attack. Her body was in pain and her each parts were sore from the training but she was determined. The face of her sister kept her going. Only if it wasn't her sister, she wouldn't care less about the murderer, Kim Namjoon, who once was duly respected by her.

Thinking about this, she let out a huffed breath launching a kick shortly after her last strong punch. As a result, the bag ripped right in the middle as sand type substance poured out.

Satisfied with a grin, Yana looked back at her instructor who also had a smile on her stern face. They were in the open area as Susan came forward tapping yana's shoulder.

Susan: Good job Yana! Jin and others are going to be proud of you. If you keep your determination just like this everytime, you'll end this training sooner than you think

Yana: Thanks will you spare me I am ti-

She couldn't even finish her sentence due to fast breathing and collapsing on Susan. She panicked and called for Jin.

Susan: Don't you think you're being a little too hard on Yana? She even fainted today. I think it's enough.

Jin: She can't face Namjoon like this, okay? I don't want her to end up just like Nicky.

He said and laid Yana down on the couch. Putting her down he went to grab a bowl of water and a piece of cloth. Putting the bowl on the sink and turning the tap on, he dialed Taehyung's number who went to the grocery store. As he was about to call him the front door open revealing the person himself who had a bunch of bags in his hands full of 1 month worth groceries.

Jin: Oh I was just about to call you Tae!

Taehyung: Why? Did you need anything else? Maybe a mirror to see your face.

Jin: Oh I would love that but that's not the issue. Yana collapsed after training today. she's in the living room couch with Susan. Please take her back to her room to rest.

Taehyung: What?! And you're telling me now, hyung?! Aahh...

His hands automatically let go of the bags as he ran into the living room seeing Yana sleeping, more like, blacked out. He carefully picked her up to not to hurt her bruises and took her back to their bedroom and laid her down gently.

Shortly after Jin came into the room with the bowl and cloth and placed it on the side table.

Jin: I have mixed some medicine in the water that'll sooth her bruises. Make sure she's throughly cleaned with this.

Taehyung: Thank you hyung.

Jin: No worries.

Jin left and closed the door behind him as his phone buzzed through his pocket. He took it out and looked at the notification as his eyebrows scrunched together looking at it.

Jin: Oh no....

Taehyung's POV

Jin closed the door behind him as I looked back at my Yana with mixed emotions. These days had been really hectic for both of us. Yana kept growing distance from me everytime I tried to be close with her,or comfort her in any way. My face grimaced in pain as I took in her beautiful face which was pale but she didn't lose her shine.

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