Chapter 20

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Author POV

Taehyung sped up his bike feeling excited having Yana with him. His slightly tousled hair flew back exposing his forehead. On the other side, Yana screamed loudly because of the speed and her hair messed up.

Taehyung stopped in front of an ice cream parlour and went inside with her.

???: Taehyung, sweety it's so nice seeing you here!

An old lady in her 50s spoke as soon Taehyung entered holding Yana's hand.

Taehyung: Auntie!!

He left her hand and hugged the old lady delicately. She patted her back releasing her hug and looked at Yana.

???:You are...?

Taehyung: My girlfriend.

He chimed looking at her with his pretty smile and Yana stood shook by his words.

???: aww you're so pretty young lady...

She said and hugged her as well releasing afterwards.

???: let me guess... The usual?

Taehyung: You know me so well auntie! Yes please.

He took Yana's hand again and took her to the corner table of two.

Yana: What do you mean?! Who was she? Who told you I'm your girlfriend?

She bombered him with questions as he shushed her by putting his fingers on her lips.

Taehyung: Calm down Yana, relax. She's my mom's best friend. After mom left, she's the one raising me like her own child. I used to come here almost everyday and have a lot of chats with her when it's night and she'd close the shop.

She listened to him with full attention resting her palm on her chin.

Taehyung: And.... The girlfriend part...*which you're soon gonna be* it just slipped out of my mouth.

Yana: You're ly-

(T) Auntie: here is your usual Taehyung and for his beautiful girlfriend, I have the special one.

She served us chocolate ice cream for him and choco vanilla mixed for Yana.

Taehyung &Yana: Thank you.

She left smiling at both of them. They both ate their ice cream talking about random stuffs not noticing the surrounding around them.

In the far corner across them, a man in black sat, reading or more like pretending to read a newspaper had his eyes on the young souls. He took out his phone and dialled a number until it ringed and then he cut the call diverting his eyes.

He paid for his coffee and left the shop glancing at them one more time before disappearing in the crowd.

Yana: were homeschooled until 18?!

Taehyung: Yeah... because hyung didn't want me to get involved in things that I shouldn't involve before 18.

Yana: Such as bullying.

She chuckled making him look at her pressing his lips thin on each other as he pretended to be angry.

Taehyung: I don't do that anymore. So you can't blame me anymore.

They both laughed enjoying their quality time and ate their ice cream. He paid for her even though she insisted and took her to his bike getting ready to go.

Yana: Where to Mr Kim?

She said getting on the bike holding on Taehyung's shoulder as he looked at her from the rear view mirror.

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