Chapter 45

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Author's POV

A year went by when the incident happened. The storm ended. Taehyung, Yana, Olivia, Jimin went back to their university next year again as freshmen. Of course not attending so many classes and falling behind,it was the only choice.

The principal position was still vacant which made things difficult for others t manage a huge institute without a "leader". Rumour had it that Kim Namjoon was murdered by terrorists while his visit to abroad. Students and teachers actually felt bad for him not knowing he was actually a two-faced devil.

Taehyung: Jin hyung!

He called for Jin barging inside Jin's cabin without knocking.

Jin: Yahh! Where are your manners?! Can't you knock? And it's PROFESSOR on campus.

Taehyung: I'm sorry but that's not why I came here.

Jin: What's the matter?

Taehyung sat down I front of the chair to Jin's table.

Taehyung: Remember Yana got kidnapped by him?

Jin nodded.

Taehyung: He sent two people to kidnap her. It was a couple. Namjoon killed the girl but the man is alive and I found him.

Jin: Really?

Taehyung: Yes, I found him through Jackson hyung. He dropped by to my house yesterday and he also brought Dawn with him.

Jin didn't talk and listened to Taehyung as he felt like there was more to it than just finding out.

Taehyung: And it seemed Dawn wants to work for you, as your assistant.

Jin: I don't think I can accept that.

Taehyung: Why not?

Jin: Did you not eat rice this morning? How's your head not working?

Jin uttered annoyingly as Taehyung scratched his neck tilting his head in confusion.

Jin: He has worked under Namjoon. Don't think Dawn wouldn't stab us behind our back. Tell him to find somewhere else to work.

Taehyung stood up.

Taehyung: I knew you would say I brought him here.

Jin: What the....

Taehyung went out and came back with a guy who seemed like he hadn't slept well for a decade.

Taehyung: Sit here...

He sat Dawn and himself down in front of Jin. Whereas Jin, put on a poker face and got cautious.

Jin: Why do you want to work for me?

The guy flinched a little looking directly at Jin.

Dawn: I have no where else to go. I've been living with Jackson for awhile and I don't want to burden him anymore.

Jin: Whatever your reason is, my cautious self can't convince me to hire you.

Dawn: Please? I'll work hard I promise.

Jin: It's not about the work. You don't think after working for Namjoon, I will let you work for me,do you?

Dawn's face grimaced a little thinking about his previous boss.

Dawn: He shot me that day... after killing my wife...I wanted a revenge but he had other plans. It was Jackson who saved me from there. After I recovered from hospital, I had to live secretly in fear that he will find me out. Jackson told me that you guys had killed him and that made me happier than ever. It felt like it was the only way my Hyuna could be in peace...but if you feel I'm going to harm you anyways then I should withdraw from the work.

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