Chapter 9

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Author POV,

Yana got settled in Taehyung's mansion the next day. Taehyung didn't know about it yet. All he knew that his hyung chose a student as his tutor. When it comes to study, he was always reluctant to do. So he intentionally took Jimin with him for a two days road trip.

Yana already told Olivia, Yeonjun and Soobin about it. They were afraid that you might get hurt more. But knowing that his brother will be also there, they sighed in relief. Olivia was a bit sad to not to have Yana as her roommate. But Yana promised her to meet every single day.

Namjoon made all of the arrangements for Yana to get settled. A nice big room with huge bathroom and closet room. Yana was more than happy just not having these but also staying close to Taehyung. But she hadn't encountered with him until today. Taehyung and Jimin was coming back today.

Yana's POV,

I was bored in my room and also excited to see Taehyung's shocked face. He was coming back today with Jimin. I already had a talk with Jimin. He will also come to this mansion with him.

*Time Skip*

I was getting bored playing with my phone. Suddenly my stomach roared Indicating I was hungry.

Me: Time to get this lazy ass up...

I said getting up and wearing my overcoat. I got down the stairs to the kitchen to get some snacks.


Me: What to eat...

I said looking around the cabinets and fridge. Finally I got a bowl of instant ramen. I got it out and stayed there waiting for the water to boil.

The kitchen was opposite of the attached counter, where we can also eat besides dining table.

Taehyung's POV,

Taehyung: Haha it was so much fun isn't it jimin?

I said as we both got in our mansion. Since Namjoon hyung hired a tutor for me I escaped for two days. Guess that person is also staying with us but I don't know who.

Jimin: Yes it was fun! Let's go out again next time.

Taehyung: Sure.

We both got in as we sat on the counter attached to the kitchen. I didn't notice who was standing over the kitchen but the silhouette was a girl's. I thought it might be maid or something.

Taehyung: Hey Amily (our maid name), can you make orange juice for me and Jimin?

I was still busy talking with Jimin that I didn't notice...

???: Did you fucking tell me to make OrAnGe JuIcE?!

I widened my eyes jolting my face towards her.

Taehyung:YOU?! The fuck you doing in my house?!

Yana: I am your teacher Mr Kim Taehyung. So please respect.

Taehyung: The hell....

Yana's POV,

I gave him a fake smile as he looked shocked and irritated. Meanwhile Jimin was suppressing his laughter as he enjoyed the show.

Taehyung: Hyung! Where are you?!

He said shouting oppa's name as he got down.

Namjoon: Aish! Why are you shouting?!

Me: Hi oppa.

I said bowing at him a bit as he smiled greeting back.

Taehyung: Hyung why is she here?

He said rudely pointing at me as Namjoon turned his face into frown.

Namjoon: Didn't I tell you I hired a tutor for you? Yana will do that since she's an intelligent student.

Taehyung: I don't want it.

Namjoon: Well you have to. Your grades are getting bad. As the principal's brother, you should have a remarkable grades.

Taehyung: I know hyung. I'm trying.

Namjoon: Good then. Yana you will start from tomorrow...and... another thing. Taehyung, you can't bother your teacher. Respect her even if she's junior. I don't want any complains from Yana. If I get any, I swear you're so dead.

He said giving a death glare to Taehyung as he gulped and nodded. Looks like he's a kitty cat to his brother tiger 😂. Well... points goes to me.

Taehyung:O-Ok won't have any complains. I'll be a good boy.

He said glaring at me smirking and pushing his tongue in his cheek.

Namjoon: Hey hey hey what's with that look to Yana?

Taehyung: Yeah?

He said quickly making an innocent face which made me laugh a little.

Namjoon: Behave. And don't forget I'm  watching you.

He said motioning his fingers towards his eyes and Taehyung's ones.

Taehyung: Yaah hyung bye. Let's go jimin.

He said pulling jimin with him to his room. Only left there were me and Namjoon oppa.

Namjoon: Please have patience while tutoring him.

Me: Why?

Namjoon: Uhh... almost 18 teachers quitted because of Taehyung's behavior and attitude. I'm just losing hope in him.

Me: No no oppa! Please have faith in me. I won't disappoint you I promise.

Namjoon: I believe you Yana...I'm gonna go. Some works from my office are still not done. See you tomorrow.

Me: See you.

He gave me a last smile as he got up the stairs to his room. I went back to the stove only to see the water has vanished itself in steams. I sighed.

Me: Looks like I have to eat something else...

I said and opened the fridge getting myself a packet of chocolates.
I went back to my room and ate the chocolate scrolling through my phone a bit.

We all ate dinner together as I had a little chit chat with Namjoon oppa. Taehyung was silent all the time sometimes having a few words with Jimin.


I went back to my room and changed into my PJs. Tomorrow after the University, I have to tutor Taehyung too as well as my studies. So I turned off the lights snuggling with my blanket and drifted off to Dreamland.


Hope you enjoyed reading it. Don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot to me. Don't be a silent reader.

Have a nice day 😊

Love you guys more than yesterday and less than tomorrow ❤️

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Love you guys more than yesterday and less than tomorrow ❤️

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