Chapter 30

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Author POV

Taehyung groaned lowly feeling his bulge ache in the early morning. The sky was still a bit dark but taking Yana again was his only intention right then.

Taehyung: Yana... Baby wake up...

He pressed his erection on her butt grinding his hips and hissed gritting his teeth.

Yana: What is it...

She mumbled through her sleep and stirred a bit.

Taehyung: Please help me out...

His hand greedily ran over her arms and down to her thighs and slipped in between her inner thighs. He rubbed on her clit moaning softly in her ear and still grinding his hips. She gripped his hand that was on her clit and tried to take it off. But he was much stronger than her.

Yana: Tae...what are you doing...?

Taehyung: Can't you feel this?

He pressed his bulge harder on her butt cheeks as she sighed.

Taehyung: And you're so warm and wet even in the early morning. Just let me do everything and you can relax.

She sighed and her sleep already went away. Taehyung removed his hand from her clit and grabbed her breast cupping it hard making Yana moan out in delight. He pushed his one leg in between hers and sperated them pulling on of her legs on his one.

He rubbed his hard, swollen tip on her wet slippery hole and put the tip in only. He did it several times until his patience ran out and he pushed it in completely.

Taehyung: Holy!

He groaned from her tightness and rested her leg on his knee thrusting in her lazily. He closed his face on her shoulder and neck sucking everywhere his lips could reach. She moaned lowly still tired from yesterday night but didn't stop him.

Taehyung: you feel so good even in the morning...damn...!

He pulled her leg down getting on top of her and pushed his whole length in her tight walls again making Yana cry out in pleasure. He sped up immediately hiding his face in the crook of her neck and breathed rapidly not being able to handle the pleasure that he was getting from her.

Yana: Taehyung slow down please...

Taehyung instead increased his pace thrusting in an inhuman speed as she held on his shoulders digging her nails in his skin. He groaned not from the pain but from the immense pleasure that made his other limbs numb to the pain. The bed shook badly from reflex as he used his thumb and pointy finger to abuse her hard nipples.

Yana: Oh god...ahh Taehyungie!!

She screamed weakly coming on his dick as he kept thrusting until he pulled out coming on her stomach. She closed her eyes but kept moaning out from his movements. He pumped it a few times to get rid from all of it and bit on his lips hard. He sighed relieved and went down to her kissing her lips softly and slowly.

She barely had any energy left in her but she still kissed him sweetly as he broke it kissing her cheeks and forehead.

Yana: Is this what will be happening every morning from now on?

She chuckled weakly asking him in a mellow low tone voice. He smiled looking at her weak state and unbuttoned her shirt. He kissed down the curves of her breasts and sounds kept slipping out from her soft pink lips turning on by his soft kisses.

Yana: What time is it?

Taehyung: 5 am.

Yana widened her eyes and looked at him frowning.

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