Chapter 26

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Author POV

Taehyung: She'll be alright, right Somi?

He spoke lowly to the girl who was the assistant of the family doctor. He came back in a few minutes after getting the right medicine for Yana. He injected the liquid in her body and looked at Taehyung patting his shoulder.

Dr: She'll be alright Taehyung, when she'll get back her consciousness call me and I'll prescribe some medicine.

Taehyung: What happened to her uncle?

Dr: Her temperature decreased because of staying under water for too much time. Don't worry. It's nothing serious. Take care of her, okay?

Taehyung nodded feeling relieved as the doctor and his assistant left the room before she stood before Taehyung.

Somi: she's really beautiful. You're lucky you got her. Take care.

She left following her superior as Jimin and Olivia came to her bed who were silent all the time when the doctor arrived.

Jimin: Should we stay with you today?

Taehyung looked at Jimin with his serious gaze as Jimin understood something.

Jimin: Olivia, you stay with Yana. I've something to do with Taehyung.

Olivia: Okay.

Jimin pecked her lips and left with Taehyung who was going back to his past behavior.

Nancy: Please Taehyung! Please let me explai-...... Ahhhhh!!! Please let me go.... Oh my god I can't take it anymore please!!!

She screamed in agony as Jimin kept turning on the shock giving devices which were linked to the ropes tied around her body. Taehyung kept his gaze on her with a sinister smile and watched her getting electric shocks time by time.

Taehyung: Told you don't mess with me...

Nancy: I-I was just kidding with you-AHHHH please please....

Her head hung low as she felt her energy fading from her body.

Taehyung: You flirt with me, I tolerate that. I even went with you for a stupid date just because you wanted one! I endured everything you did with me. But this time, you've crossed your limits. You've called your death on your own.

Jimin: Taehyung no you won't do tha-...

Jimin couldn't even finished his sentence as Taehyung pulled out his revolver cocking it and pressed it against her head.

Taehyung: You made my girl cry and she almost killed herself...

She looked at him terrified with her blood red eyes and quivering lips.

Taehyung: See you in hell.

He pulled the trigger and shot her right through her brain and her head leaned back because of the force as her vision went white. Blood smeared on Taehyung's face as he wiped it off with satisfaction. Her body fell lifeless on the chair.

Jimin: Now what to do with her body?

Taehyung: Burn it. Simple.

Jimin: What about the ring? She's still wearing it.

He pointed at her finger where Taehyung's pretty ring stayed still. He looked at it for sometime but diverted his eyes.

Taehyung: I don't want that unholy ring. I'll buy my Yana another beautiful one. Make sure she and the ring turn to ashes.

Jimin: Okay...

Taehyung put his revolver back in his jacket and fixed his appearance. Jimin's phone ringed as he picked it up. After talking about sometime, he told Taehyung that Yana has woken up. His eyes shined hearing about it and he got ready to go back to her.

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