Chapter 19

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Taehyung POV

My eyes fluttered open and I stretched my head a bit to look outside. It wasn't dark but not bright either. I sighed and looked in my arms where the girl who's making me feel things lay asleep.

I rested my head close to hers and placed my palm flat on her rosy cheek. I kept stroking her cheek and the previous incidents from a few hours back flashed in my mind.

We were too late arriving as the game was already finished and even everyone was done with their supper. Luckily Jimin had saved us some but she was already asleep and I didn't want to disturb her. Or I'd share my meal with her.

I don't like to share but still there was she, who I was ready to share everything.

I smiled looking at her face stroking it still making the skin more warm under my hand. She's actually really beautiful this close. Her puffy lips formed in a pout made her look really cute. With long natural eyelashes and those baby hairs scattered around her forehead and face.

Me: What are you doing to me...

I whispered really low so only I can hear what I said. She's indeed doing something to me. I was suppose to hate her wasn't I? Now look at me, acting like a lover boy.

I shifted a bit as my eyes landed on her shoulder. The thin straps were knotted before but now the grip was loose showing the curves of her cleavage. I gulped looking at her half revealed chest.

I really don't want a "situation" now like before. I tried to knot those straps but she moved a bit as my breath stopped and the knot cane undone almost showing her too much skin.

Me: Fuck...

I hurriedly sat up not disturbing her sleep and looked at her with wide eyes.

She's definitely gonna be the death of me...

I went close to her and knotted the straps again carefully so the grip don't get too tight. Covering her with blanket I slowly got off the bed as I looked the the spooning couple across our bed.

I tiptoed to the main door opening it as it made quiet creaking sounds. I got out closing the door behind to get some fresh air. I started walking around thinking all the time I spent with her last night. I should've kissed her on the lips but damn me!

I walked towards a silhouette which belonged to a really well built man. I went behind him.

Me: Hello?

He turned around and I mentally slapped myself for not recognizing my brother.

Me: What are you doing here?

Namjoon: I just came back from the urgent work. What about you?

Me: Getting some fresh air?

Namjoon: I see you're much more happy than before...

I raised my brows looking at him to complete his sentence.

Me: What do you mean?

Namjoon: Looks like you've moved on from Nicky...

He mentioned the name that was the biggest nightmare of my life. I clenched my jaw getting flashbacks from my past. He really did had to call out that name.

Me: You know I don't like to hear that name...still you have to brag it everytime when I'm having a good time. Seriously can't you just stop!

Namjoon: I said what it seemed like. It's not like you can't forget her ever. Look at you! There's an angel in front of you all the time still that Nicky couldn't get out of your mind. So pathetic...

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