Chapter 32

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Author POV

Night breeze flowed through the trees of Taehyung's mansion creating noises but the closed door and window blocked it's way. Everyone soundly asleep until Olivia's eyes opened. She slowly sat up rubbing her eyes and yawning. She looked around spotting Jimin on the floor hugging a pillow. She wore her dress properly and stood up going to the kitchen.

She opened the fridge for cold water and poured it in the glass. She gulped it down in one go and wiped her lips. Her movements came to an stop as she felt someone's presence behind her. Thinking of him as Jimin she relaxed but next a strong hand wrapped around her mouth and body making her flinch and panic. The unknown person's hand pressed firm on her nose making her sniff the weird smell from the cloth wrapped around his hand.

Soon her limbs lost contact with her brain and she fell on the floor. The man laid her down on the floor properly and stood up looking back at the living room where Jimin was also being sedated.

Dawn: Baby, you need help?

Hyuna: I've done it.

The girl walked to him swaying her hips and brushed his lips with her thumb.

Hyuna: Without your help.

Dawn smirked at his wife and proceeded to walk upstairs.

Dawn: I wonder if the upstairs' are also naked or not.

Hyuna: I bet they are.


Hyuna: You're gonna lose.

She twisted the door nob and squeaked lowly seeing Taehyung and Yana naked under the blankets. Dawn tch'ed and went in sedating Taehyung as well.

Hyuna: I'll dress her up.

She went in the closet and picked up a pair or cloths. Dawn sedated her and walked out from the room so Hyuna could dress her up.

 Dawn sedated her and walked out from the room so Hyuna could dress her up

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Hyuna: One hell of a pretty girl...

She quietly called Dawn and propped Yana on the headboard. Dawn came in and picked her up taking her out from the main door instead of the window that they got in. Placing her on the backseat Hyuna sat on the passenger seat beside the driving seat as Dawn started the engine making roaring sound and drove off with full speed disturbing the night birds' sleep.

They put Yana on the couch and stood side by side waiting for their boss to arrive.

???: I'm glad you guys made it in time.

Hyuna and dawn looked behind and bowed towards their boss thanking him.

Dawn: We did how you told us to do RM.

RM smiled wearing his mask and gestured them to get out from the room as they did. He sat down beside Yana looking at her unconscious state. His hands placed on her knee as he rubbed them up her thighs and down to her knees again.

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