Chapter 41

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Author's POV

It was dark, Not pitched black where you can't even see anything with your bare eyes. There was a faint light coming from the small ventilator which was enough to illuminate the whole cramped room.

There weren't much furnitures around; one bed, a mirror and a chair. The place was cramped and gloomy but thanks to that faint light, it was almost enough to not to make it look like a psychopath's chamber...or...was it?

In the bed there was a girl tied to the headboard and eyes covered up. She was breathing ever so lightly which made it look like that she was dead. But she was only unconscious. It was none other than Olivia.

The door to this room slightly opened as a tall figure entered the room and closed the door behind him shut. He didn't had anything in mind rather than revenge and anger. Not because of Olivia but her best friend and Taehyung. He wanted a gruesome revenge that would peace his evil soul forever.

He placed a bag on the floor which made a sound of metals and steels. He dragged the chair closer to the bed and sat down. It was almost time for Olivia to gain consciousness so it was a perfect time for him. He tapped on the floor continuously as soon as he saw her moving slightly.

Olivia's POV

My head kept spinning as I started to wake up from a hangover. I tried opening my eyes but there was just dark. I grew more anxious. It took me a moment to regain my nerves as I tried to move my body only to be realized I was chained. There was a continuous tapping which scared me and also made it clear it was a person's doing.

Olivia: W-where am I? Who are you? Please let me go...

My begs only made him laugh. I tilted my head to the sound as I recognized it immediately.

Olivia: Mr. Kim?! Is that you?!

Namjoon: Haha yes it's me.

Olivia: Why did you do this to me?! I have nothing to do with you.

Namjoon: That's true but your friend has something to do with me.

I couldn't keep my guts together as I felt his breath on my cheek. He took the cloth off of my eyes and gasped.

There was a hollow in one of his eyes. Even before I could adjust my sight to the surroundings the first thing I saw was the pitched dark void in his eye.

Namjoon: Your pretty friend did this to me. You think I can let them or let you go? I will not.

Olivia: You're going to regret this. You will never get Yana. Taehyung loves her to death. He won't hesitate to put a bullet through your heart.

He chuckled on my face and backed up getting down from the bed. As soon as he did that there was a knock on the door. Hearing his approval, two masked men came in with guns on their belts and a chair with cuffs. My breath shook as it felt like I skipped a heartbeat seeing that chair.

Author's POV

Namjoon: You both, cuff her to that chair.

Just like robots, they took his command and forcefully untied Olivia from the bed. She started to throw her limbs in order to release from them but she was too weak because of dizziness. Her willpower couldn't get her body stronger. Soon enough she got cuffed to the chair tightly around her hands, waist and calves.

Namjoon: You can go now.

They obeyed and left immediately. He placed the bag on the table and took out tools which resembled the torture tools. He first held out a scissor like tool and looked back at Olivia who had disbelief and fear in her eyes. He smirked and started to walk closer to her slowly.

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