Chapter 5

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Yana's POV,

I felt a bit of pain in my hands. I tried to move them but looked like it was locked with each other. Even I couldn't open my eyes because of weakness. My whole body felt numb. Still I tried my best to move and shot my head up slowly.

Taehyung: Finally you're awake.

The deep voice felt so familiar yet unknown. To see the owner of the voice I slowly opened my eyes still a bit blurry. Regaining my eyesight, I saw the person which I hated to see the most that time. Kim Taehyung. Standing in front of me with hands in his pocket with a smirk.

Blood boiled in me as a tried to move my hands not realizing those were tied up behind me.

Jimin: Missy you'll bruise your pretty hands if you move them to much.

I looked at Jimin remembering he's the one dragging me to that room. Instant regret filled my lungs cursing myself why I agreed to go with him.

Me: Untie my hands!

I said jerking my hands trying to untie the rope. But it was too tight.

Taehyung: Not so fast! Not until I make you realize who you've messed up with!

He said crouching in front of me. I clenched my jaw looking away from his gaze.

Taehyung:Aww...are you gonna cry little girl?

He said in a mocking tone.

Me: Just let me go.

Taehyung: You're no fun.

He looked at Jimin who was busy scrolling through his phone.

Taehyung: Jimin?

Jimin looked up at Taehyung mouthing "what?"

Taehyung: Do you know girls have most sensitive foot when it's tickled?

He said smirking which made Jimin realize it and smirk as well.

Oh hell no....

Both of them approached me with evil smirks and feathers in their hands as my body tensed up. They removed my snickers and... Started to move the ticklish feather on my bare foot.

They were laughing at my poor state. Face all reddened because of the tickling. I pulled my legs towards the stool I was sat on but they held my foot. I bit my lips trying hard not to fall for it.

My foot were most sensitive when it comes to tickling. They didn't need to know that. I just wanted to get out from there. The tickling was getting out of my tolerance.

Jimin: Yana why are you so quiet? Aren't you enjoying it?

He said laughing. My head was hung down so they couldn't see my face. Tears were streaming down. I end up letting out a small whimper but quickly shut my lips preventing any sound.

Taehyung: C'mon show us your face~

He said jokingly lifting my face up with his index finger. But what was most surprising that he immediately stopped his actions seeing my reddened face bathed in tears. He looked perplexed as his eyes lashes shook slightly.

Taehyung: J-Jimin...get the knife.

Jimin: What?

His eyebrows furrowed hearing Taehyung's words.

Jimin: But-

Taehyung: Get the knife.

Jimin sighed hearing the younger and handling him the knife. Taehyung got behind my back and cut the ropes letting my hand free. I quickly took my hand before me rubbing on the red bruises on my wrists. Why did he let me go...?

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