Chapter 35

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Author POV

Jin: This is the recent location that Namjoon was seen. I got information that he has a secret hideout around that place. Yana you'll go to the nearest departmental store alone and act like you've gone there to buy groceries. Namjoon will see you for sure and he'll also doubt you for being alone. That's why Taehyung will be waiting outside the car in the parking lot. I'm sure Namjoon will try to kidnap you from there and be like a scaredy cat when he does.

Jin explained everything to the three youngers in front of him as they listened to him attentively. Yana was all ready with defense tricks, shooting skills and stabbing swiftness. It was really hard for her and a little bit of lacking but they had to start the mission immediately in case Namjoon does something bigger than before.

Jin: Here's the hair clip. And I should praise you Yana, for your excellent learning speed and attention.

Yana: Thank you oppa.

She bowed slightly showing respect and flashed a smile towards them all.

Jimin: I know my best friend can do it!

Taehyung: Jin hyung, you don't dare stop me when she's even in a small trouble.

Jin: You don't have to do that, isn't it Yana?

Jin asked winking towards her as Yana nodded confidently smiling.
Jin handed her the clip as she admired the design of the pretty accessories.

Jin handed her the clip as she admired the design of the pretty accessories

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Yana chuckled looking at it.

Jin: What's the matter?

Yana: This looks like a real hair clip.

Jin: Well it is! I've just installed camera and microphone in it. And here you go a small earpiece. So I can lead your way.

She took it from his hand and placed in her ear and hiding it in her hair wearing the hair clips.

Taehyung: Those clips look beautiful on you.

He complimented leaning against the glass door. Yana smiled softly towards him and looked back at Jin so he could tell her about further.

Jin: Let's just hope for the best. Do you have the stiletto knife I gave you?

Yana: Yes I have.

She showed the small sharp knife under her oversized shirt and hid it again perfectly as if there's nothing.

Jimin: We Should go.

They all nodded and went out of the secret cabin that Jin had arranged for their mission. Yana and Taehyung entered a black porsche and drove a little to the departmental store. Jin and Jimin followed them from far behind and parked the car in the road activating a monitoring device connected to her clips and earpiece. Taehyung parked the car in the parking area as Yana proceeded to get out but Taehyung held her wrist making her sit on her place looking at him with concern.

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