Chapter 36

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Yana's POV

Namjoon released my lips from his impure kiss as I breathed in the oxigen wiping my lips in disgust. My hand was shaking badly from how my mind stopped my heart to grab that knife and cut of his lips. I should've bit his lips to bleeding.

Namjoon: Such a nice girl.

He stood up and gestured his hand towards me to help me stand up. I tightened my jaw and slapped his hand away standing up on my own even tho my legs felt quite numb.

Me: Now let the girl go.

Namjoon: Hmm...? No. Not now.

I gasped feeling betrayed as he poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

Me: you promised!

Namjoon: I said I'll let her go but I didn't promise when. Now come with me!

He grabbed my hand harshly and pulled me towards him even though I tried to break free.

Namjoon: I think you should eat... It's been a few hours.

Me: I don't want to.

I looked elsewhere as he dragged me up some narrow staircases.

Namjoon: You have to do everything I said baby.

I tried to twist my wrist in his hold but the more I did, the more he tightened the grip. I gave up as he lead us up to the stairs until a voice spoke through my ear drums and I become conscious.

Jin: Yana can you remember the ways?

I nodded my head as soon as I noticed Namjoon wasn't looking at my way. I felt relieved because I wasn't all alone by myself. Jin, Jimin and Taehyung was there for me. I smiled a little by myself as we reached the end of the stairs. It was attached with a bedroom and it was just like Taehyung's one. But more intense and scary.

There were different kind of knives with different sizes. The corner was filled with guns and revolvers hanging as if that was some kind of a decorating stuff. I recognized done weapons as I took lessons about them from Jin but I couldn't recognize the rest because I wasn't that much knowledged about them. Unknowingly I placed my hand on the clothed knife and caressed it's surface looking around. I'm sure Jin is able to see it all.

Namjoon: Fascinated huh?

I turned around looking at him frowning as he came more forward with a tray of food.

Me: How'd I believe you that you didn't poison the food?

He scoffed placing them over the small table beside the bed.

Namjoon: Because all I need from you is you being alive and healthy...or else how would you feed me your nectar?

I scrunched my face in disgust as I heard a loud thud through my ear piece. What's happening there?! He came close as I kept thinking about what happened there. He placed a open mouthed kiss on my neck and licked it next making my body shiver in pure disgusting feelings. I'd be really turned on if Taehyung did it but Namjoon doing it was crawling a bizzare sensation on my body.

Namjoon: Eat this all and sleep. Don't mind me if you find me banging you from behind when you wake up.

Me: Fuck off.

I spat harshly towards him as he chuckled.

Namjoon: there's plenty of lingeries you can wear in the closet. Hope you wear them.

It was my time to scoff as I crossed my arms in front of me.

Me: I already have cloths on and these are completely fine, I don't need to change.

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