Chapter 47: What You Deserve

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RECAP: (My advice read the last part of the last chapter before this) So Clara is dating Alec and she's determined to ignore Jake until in the last chapter he comes and stands out in the rain and tells her that they were real and she's leaving. He kisses her and is about to leave when Clara asks him to stay. He leaves in the end only saying two words to her. Also Kevin is the boy who Jake got in a fight with at the start of the book around chapter 18ish.

NOTE: So this chapter is probably anti-climactic so sorry about that. It was actually split into two parts because of the sheer length and this one I'm not kidding is kind of boring but important so I'm sorry. The next update will be coming on Saturday so yay.

P.S that gorgeous drawing on top is made by @theresahib

"I-I don't w-wa-want to talk about it."

Rebecca doesn't say anything to my statement which I manage to stutter out through my chattering teeth but simply hands over a towel and my pjs.

I'm grateful for the silence as well as a little weary but I take what I get and go to change.

I took a shower in the hot water too just to stop myself from shaking.

Half and hour later when I come out Safe Haven is over and Rebecca is staring at her phone screen eating my share of the popcorn.

I sit next to her on the mattress not saying anything she glances at me and her eyes narrow.

I prepare myself for an onslaught of advice as to what a terrible person I was but instead she says,"You lucky bitch."


She looks at me,"You heard what I said."

I look at her blankly,"I know the what part I'm sill trying to figure out the why part."

She looks at me thoughtfully for a second,"When were you planning to tell me that you were still in love with Jake?"


This is not happening.

"I'm in love with Alec." I say monotonously.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but the boy who stood in my yard, in the rain I may add the one that you just kissed did not look like Alec."

"I love Alec."


"Then stop." My voice come out a little more forcefully.

"I can. My question is can you?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I say.

"What happened out there?" She asks.

"It doesn't matter."

"Try telling that to your face." Her voice then softens,"Look I know you don't want to talk about it but unless you say it loud you're not going to accept it."

"Maybe I don't want too."

"You're going to have to."

I hesitate for a moment look at her.

"He came to say sorry," I say slowly,"And that w-we were real."

I stop and Rebecca looks at me,"Go on."

"Look it doesn't matter he's leaving anyway." I say getting up.


She looks shocked,"What do you mean he's leaving? You're going to let him?"

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