Chapter 59: It's Like She Thinks MIT is a Community College

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UNEDITED: Very very long chapter and there is a small competition right at the end which I hope all of you participate in!

Banner: @iamsarahy

"Get up."

"Fuck off."

"Go screw yourself."

"Aren't you guys just the cutest couple?" Michella muses and I hesitantly open my eyes to see her standing with her hand on her hips.

"It's nine thirty, if you don't move your butt little sister, your boyfriend here is going to get screwed and it's not you who is going to be doing the screwing."

I don't want to get up, it was the first time in months that I had slept well and hadn't got up in the morning feeling dazed and sick all over again.

Jake pulls me closer to him and I clues my eyes once again and mumble,"Go away, Michella."

"Get out of bed or I'm calling grandma on you." She threatens.

My eyes fly open,"You wouldn't."

"You know I would."

I sit up slowly Jake's hand falling off me waking him up too.

"Why are you awake right now?" Jake grumbles,"It's still night."

It really wasn't, but you couldn't tell otherwise in my room because of the thick curtains drawn across my windows.

"Go back to sleep." I smile and bend down to kiss his forehead despite knowing that doing all of this was going to take me further down this road with him, despite knowing that he was going to leave ,"I need to go to school with Michella here."

He opens his eyes looking at me confused,"Why are you going to school?"

"To make sure you don't pay the price of saving me." I say.

Now he's fully awake and he sits up, glaring at Michella,"What exactly have you been telling her?"

"Jeez." She says,"Why does everyone seem to assume I'm the bitch here?"

Both Jake and I throw her a look and she shrugs,"Fine point taken, but Clara still needs to come with me."

Jake looks up at me confused,"Why?"

I sigh and explain the situation to him, to the best of my ability and his green eyes darken with anger.

"You're not going to let him go without consequences." He says angrily,"He deserves to have his ass hauled to court-"

"I think enough has already happened and even if this goes further it's not going to happen at your expense." I say,"And I'm done with this entire thing, I just want to forget about it, I seriously can't get myself to care anymore. So I'm going to go with Michella and get this over with."

Jake opens his mouth and then sighs,"I don't suppose you want me to come with you."

"Not the best idea." I say.

He looks at Michella his eyes filled with warning"I swear to god if you let anything happen to her-"

"I get it you'll bury me." She says drily,"Now get out of her room before I yell how tainted my little sisters virtue."

Both Jake and I hold our middle fingers up, a clear fuck you sign.

She shrugs looking at Jake,"You already did."

Jake shook his head and turned towards me,"You'll be okay."

Not without you,no.
Not when you're leaving.

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