Chapter 6: There is Nothing Mysterious about the Mystery Girl

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"You do know that you are going to have to go to the dinner party right?" Samantha asks slowly as if I am going to break.

"Oh she's not going to get out of her room unless she tells us who this Jake guy really is." Rebecca says jumping on to the bed,"He sounds yummy."

Samantha rolls her eyes as she says,"You do not describe people as yummy Rebecca, especially when your friend is in the middle of a crisis!"

"A crisis!" Rebecca exclaimed looking at Samantha incredulously," I mean, an all access pass to look into the rooms of two very hot guys is not a crisis."

The both of them kept on arguing while I drifted off.

Ok so I ran for the second time in less than twenty-four hours. It was not as much running as walking briskly away. When the bomb shell dropped at first, I was too shocked. Both of them looking at me with their big green eyes, seeing how I would react, didn't help. AT ALL. I mean twenty-four hours ago if you had told me that Jake would talk to Alec much less know him and become step brothers with him I would give you the directions to the nearest mental institution, and now by the way things are going, I'm going to need one.

So I simply gave a nod and walk away. I mean they are just two guys, how is the fact that they're being step brothers going to change my life?

Except the first knows that I have had a crush on the second for more than a decade and the rest of the world thinks that my first kiss was with the second. When it was actually with....

Oh and lets not even get started with the fact that the both of them look mouthwatering.

Oh god , I sound like Rebecca.

Okay so I get the gist. I was pretty much screwed and don't even get me started on how dumb I felt after they told me. I mean, Clara my dad's getting remarried and my mom's divorced.

I'm pretty sure I have watched enough soap operas to know what that's leading up to and yet all I can think about is a stupid bet.

Great. Just freaking great. Do I get the oscar now for acting like the dumbest person alive?

Lifetime Achievement award in deed.

Lets not even start with the dinner party thing. I'm going to have to go for dinner with both Alec and Jakes families for dinner. Why?

Well, let's just say that my parents are way too friendly, meaning my mom has the habit to want to be involved in just about everything which is why she is taking everyone out in celebration of the wedding.

Celebration? More like nightmare.

"So Matt and I had good time. I mean, he is a great kisser." Samantha was saying."What about you? Did you get your wish of kissing a total stranger?"

Rebecca pursed her lips and made a face."I wouldn't say a total stranger..." she says.

"Rebecca tell us!" I exclaim forgetting, Jake and Alec completely.

"Fine only if you tell me about this Jake guy and what exactly happened with you in the party yesterday," she says.

I nod.

"But you first." I say.

"Ok'' she says taking a deep breath, "I kissed Jeremy Hoffman."






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