Chapter 55: I Solemnly Swear I'm Up To No Good

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UNEDITED How long has it been we've had A filler chapter? Well it's about time, it will be really nice for you guys not to want to kill me by the end of a chapter.So enjoy the chapter in which literally nothing happens.


There is a point where your life gets so ridiculous that it becomes almost unbelievable.

I was at that point right now as I stare at my sister from my spot on the floor gape mouthed.

No. Just no.
This was so not happening.

"You know you don't have to look at me like the grinch on Christmas, sis." She says lightly stepping over me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I say my eyes narrowing. Well on the bright side I wasn't depressed or mad anymore, I was just flat out furious.

"It is my house too, you know?" She says and I finally get to my feet. I'm almost tempted to poke her to make sure she's real and not some apparation of my tired brain.

"Close your mouth sis." She says,"I know you're in awe at my presence but there's no need to show it. It's a terrible look on you."

Forget poke, let me just slap her and see if she's real or not. Oh wait a second she's all fake.

"Why are you back Michella?" I ask again.

"Because I want to be." She says her eyes narrowing and then she takes a step forward and another so that she's just a few inches away from me, towering over me with her heels.

"You want a lot of things Michella." I reply,"Doesn't necessarily mean you'll get them."

She raises an eyebrow,"You've become even a bigger bitch than last time."

I laugh bitterly,"Right now I'd probably give you a run for your money. But I'm not interested. So get out of my way, I'm exhausted."

In the past few months if possible I'd become worse than Michella.
No, that wasn't possible. Michella was just a whole new level of bitchy.

But then again I was the bonus round of bitchy.

She steps out of my way and looks me up and down,"Why you look worse than usual."

I want to slap the living daylights out of her, kick and scream take out all my anger frustration and despair on the one person in this town apart from me who actually deserves it but I instead I simply go up the stairs and slam my bedroom door hoping that when I next came down I would realise that she was just a bad dream.


She wasn't.

I had honestly thought that when I woke up the next morning Michella would have disappeared without a trace and I would convince myself that she was a bad dream.

And yet when I came down she was sprawled in front of the TV munching on popcorn watching Greys Anatomy.

I stopped on my tracks.

There were many many things wrong with that scene.

First of all in all the years she had lived here I had never ever seen her actually in the living room on a Sunday morning. She always was out partying the previous night which meant either she was getting over her hangover in her room or at some friends house or already at the mall.

Second of all Michella didn't eat popcorn. To be honest Michella was the biggest health freak out there, take it from me the person who was always put on grocery duty.

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