Chapter 33: Some People Never Change

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"You need to stay away from me. I mean it." I open the door and step into the cold.

"Clara you need to let me explain." His voice is frantic almost desperate.

"Explain what?" I say walking faster,"I don't need anything explained. I heard what was said there loud and clear."

He finally catches up with me and grabs my wrist.


"Stop jumping to conclusions." His voice his low.

I tear my wrist away from him.

"I cannot believe that you are capable of doing anything like that. But congrats Jake you have proved me wrong once again"I say,"I cannot believe that I actually trusted you or the fact that I'm standing here actually talking to you, because you are a monster and you disappoint me."

Earlier that night.

"A club?" I snort,"That's where Jake is? What he parties people to their death?"

Spencer rolls her eyes.

"You are really annoying." She says leading me to the entrance of a club called Trec.

"Says the girl wearing the sparkly pink hairband." I retort back. I stop at my spot and Spencer turns around as she raises an eyebrow.

"What now?"

"I'm not going." I say as firmly as possible,"I trust Jake, in fact I owe it to him to trust him and believe that he can handle himself."

She rolls her eyes,"You really are something else, how does anyone handle you?"

I ignore her and do a one eighty turn and am about to catch a cab but her voice calls out,"You are never going to get this opportunity again Clara."

"I don't care."

"Yes, you do." She says grabbing my hand and turning me around,"I know you don't trust me and I don't blame you but you need to know the truth."

"And why are you so keen to help me? Huh?" I demand,"Why do you care so much that I know the truth."

"Because Jake Henderson is much more than his pretty eyes and charming smiles" she says softly,"And I actually care about him. And what he is going to do...."

She shakes her head.

"Ever since you he has been sitting on the fence" she says,"If you see how he is and what he is doing you are going to go in the other direction as him. Maybe that will knock some sense into his head."

"What are you trying to say Spencer?" I say my voice calm as I look at the almost desperate girl in front of me.

"I'll explain." She says,"Just come in with me, please."

I raise an eyebrow at her polite behaviour but this frantic desperate Spencer looks much more genuine than the pink barbie doll who finds everything amusing.

I hesitate but I follow her as she leads me through the line and gives a curt look to the bouncer who let's her in immediately.

I know what I'm doing is a whole different level of stupid. I don't even know Spencer and for all you know she may turn into a knife wielding pschyo. She had already reached a new level of creepiness when she sprouted so many facts about me. But I was so sick of being the girl who doesn't know anything and if Jake doesn't give me answers I should bloody well get them in my own way, right?

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