Chapter 36: I Go All Jackie Chan on Him

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"If he thinks that he can get away from trouble solely based on his good looks then he is wrong. I mean god may have been drunk or really distracted while creating him because it's literally not fair that he got all the good looks."

"You are never going to let this go are you?" I groan into the phone.

"No." I can hear his smirk through the phone.

"Well if I'm not wrong the next few lines were about some pretty creative insults I had written about you." I state.

"Yeah but it all ends with someone so hot shouldn't have such a shitty personality."

"That is not a compliment."

"Well I'd like to take it as one." He says,"I mean till now every page is about my good looks and how angry you get when girls throw themselves at me."

"You're an asshole, you know that right?" I say exasperated.

"Oh please I'm adorable."

"You're annoying."

"I'm adorably annoying."

I'm about to reply but just then the lady in front of me drops her phone making a racket.

"Where are you?" Jake asks.

"Running errands." I say the lie rolling of my tongue easily.

I still hadn't told Jake about the entire Michella incident yet. I am going tell him eventually but for now I was going to keep my mouth shut.

"Okay I'll call you later." He says.


I switch the phone off and sigh in relief.

"Clara Wilson?"

I look up at the assistant who regards me distastefully.

"Mr Henderson will see you now."

I stand up smiling. I had made sure to wear a pair of faded jeans and a loose cardigan, just about as casual as I could get.

I had no respect for this man and I certainly wanted to make sure he knew it.

"Wipe the scowl off your face sweetheart." I say in a sickly sweet voice to the assistant,"Or invest in better quality Botox."

With that I open the door and quietly shut it behind me leaving her dazed.

"Ash Miss Wilson, what a pleasant surprise."

I glance at the striking man in front of me. This was the third time I had properly seen him. During the Christmas dinner whilst sitting down and talking politely he almost seemed normal but in his Wall Street office he seemed more intimidating as well subtly threatening.

He looks at the door behind and raises an eyebrow slightly,"I take that my son doesn't know about your visit."

"He doesn't need to know." I say calmly clenching my fist behind my back.

"Please sit." He gestures to the seats in his office and I take my place in one of them and he sits across me. I can't help but admire the similarities between them. The same black hair and stature and the same hard green eyes that Jake has. But the difference is also startling. Whilst Jake's eyes are hard they are never cold or completely opaque like his fathers is.

"So I suppose you are here to discuss the deal I had put forth last time." He asks,"What's your price?"

"I don't make deals with the devil Mr Henderson." I say giving him a slight smile,"And I certainly won't make any sort of deal proposed by you."

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