Chapter 38: I Prefer Barbie to Creepy Ken Any Day

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In the last chapter Alec and Jake (finally) blew up. She was given an ultimatum that the next day she would (finally) have to choose either Jake or Alec. Clara blows up on Jake for giving her this ultimatum and runs off after giving a piece of her mind. But on her way she hits a slight snag in the elevator when she gets ambushed by Eric.

Eric is the guy who Jake had gone to years back regarding his father murder. He also happens to be Spencer's brother a girl who loves dressing up in pink and is very much in love with Jake.

"I can run away you know."

"Well I'd hope you'd be smarter than that. I'd hate to think that Jake settled for the ordinary blonde bimbo."

I gritted my teeth. I was stuck in the elevator with someone who was dangerous at best. Not to mention creepy and totally slimy.But he was right, I was under no delusion that once the elevator doors opened that even if I tried to run, he would catch me.

But that doesn't mean I can't try.

My gaze briefly flickered to the floor number he had pressed and I recognized it as Jake's floor.

He was doing this to taunt Jake, to lure him and I most definitely can't let him.

Honestly between Spencer and Eric they had a real set of messed up genes but given a choice I would prefer barbie to creepy Ken any day.

"I really don't like you." I state.

"I'm hurt." He says mockingly placing his hand on his chest.

I gave him the most disgusted look possible.

"Do you actually think that Jake is going to take your bait?"I say,"I mean the both of us aren't in the best of terms right now."

"Jake is too impulsive not too." He says,"And besides you are a real prize regardless. You're parents aren't that bad off either."

I snort,"Are you seriously trying to kidnap me? This hotel is filled with cameras. The cops are going to be on your ass in a matter of minutes."

He chuckles,"I'm not trying to kidnap you. You're just going to accompany me and help me persuade your dear boyfriend."

"To kill you? I don't think he needs any persuasion and frankly neither do I." I say gritting my teeth.

He slowly raises an eyebrow,"The last time I saw you was when you were hiding behind Jake, now you seem to have more balls then he does."

I roll my eyes as the elevator dings and the doors open.

"After you." He says but I remain glued to my spot.

"You told me it would be stupid to run, so better yet I'm not going to move." I say defiantly standing in my spot.

"Well good." He sneers,"I'm tired of being nice."

As he reaches towards me I find an opening and make a run for it. I run out of the elevator and reach for the fire escape staircase pushing it open but before I can do anything I'm thrown back.

I hit the opposite wall and for a moment I'm completley dazed. I'm yanked up rather crudely by my arm and I know that I'm going to have bruises on them for sure.

I struggle against his grip but I can't get out of it. He pushes me forward towards Jake's and I kick and nudge him as hard as possible.


He clamps my mouth shut cutting me off promptly. I bite down on it hard and he curses but his grip on me remains as firm as ever.

"The next time you scream I will rip your tongue out. Got it?" His tone is steely cold and it's clear that it's way more than a threat so when he takes his hand off my mouth I comply.

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