Chapter 46: It's Like a Never Ending Merry Go Round

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"Come on." I say trying to coax my car to start,"Come on, come on, come on."

The car starts for a brief second but then it sputters dramatically and dies.

"Ugh." I say hitting the steering wheel,"Why me?"

I look at my watch trying to contemplate as to what my next move was going to be. I'm in half a mind to go back to sleep but I shake my head for even thinking such a ridiculous thought.I couldn't just skip school because I had a test.

Alec had gone for the final prep for tomorrow's game and by the time I had called Samantha she was already on her way to school.

"Come on, baby." I say again taping, my car impatiently because I don't want to give up hope just yet. I loved my car and it never let me down up till now.

My grandma had obviously driven hers to the airport and parked it there which meant that I was left with no option but to walk to school, which would take me a solid half and hour.

And I didn't have time to spare.

Great. Unless a green ball of light came out of nowhere and someone gave me a green ring with a lantern, I wouldn't be reaching school on time.

I get out of the car dejected. It was one of those dreary damp cold days that hued everything in the color of boring dull grey. If I had a choice I would be back home with a cup of hot chocolate and some good book I just got my hands on.Or I would just read Harry Potter, again.But I had no choice. I was running so bloody late that it wasn't even funny anymore, so I slung my bag on my shoulder and started walking.

I probably walked only about two hundred metres before it's starts to raining.

I look up and curse,"Are you freaking kidding me?"

It's official, life hates me. My day quite literally could not get worse.


I squint to see a bright red car stopped on the road a few metres from where I was standing.

Oh, I was wrong this day could get worse.

He rolls down the window and yells over the rain,"Do you need a ride?"

"Nope I'm perfectly fine taking a stroll in the rain."

And as if on queue it starts raining harder.

"Don't be stupid Clara." He says,"It's raining and you're getting soaked."

He was right, it was stupid. So I get in the car promptly shutting the door behind me.

He doesn't say anything anything just turns up the heater and I rub my hands together trying to get some heat.

"Were you really going to walk all the way to school in the rain?" He asks, his tone slightly amused.

"Probably. I would have gone back an gotten an umbrella." I reply.

"Did it never occur to you to ask me or Ashley?"

What so I can hear you say more of nothing to me?

"No." I reply back. It's awkward in the car as he drives, under the speed limit this time carefully and slowly.

I fiddle with my phone trying to find something, anything interesting in it or fake a call just to bypass the awkward tension in the car. I'm leaning as far towards the door as possible looking desperately out in the rain.

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